Ethics in the profession of consultancy:咨询职业道德
One of the most respected authorities on ethical consultancy is Peter Block who is a consultant himself. He has authored a number of books including the widely acclaimed ‘Flawless Consulting: A Guide to Getting Your Expertise Used’. Mr. Block has given several guidelines that are expected to be a part of the code of conduct of a consultant. The most essential element according to Mr. Block is of the opinion that the consultant always tells the truth even if it is unpleasant to the client. The trouble with many consultants today is that they force the clients to think in their viewpoint by acting clever. It should be noted that the client may have his own viewpoints which may be relevant and the consultant is expected to review that before advising the client. Such behavior on the part of the client will make him skeptical of the consultant and the level of trust or faith in him will diminish. Clients see right through the fast language and persuasion techniques and, as a result, their level of skepticism rises. Instead, consultants should be who they are and tell the truth in a caring way, which will establish the balance that leads to a trusting, productive relationship with the client (Meet the MasterMinds: Flawless Consulting with Peter Block, Management Consulting News).
道德咨询方面最受尊敬的权威之一是Peter Block,他自己也是一名咨询师。他著有多本书,包括广受好评的《完美咨询:使用专业知识指南》。布洛克先生给出了几条准则,这些准则有望成为顾问行为准则的一部分。布洛克先生认为,最重要的一点是,即使客户不满意,顾问也总是说实话。如今,许多咨询师的问题在于,他们通过巧妙的行为迫使客户站在他们的角度思考问题。应注意的是,客户可能有自己的观点,这些观点可能是相关的,顾问在向客户提供建议之前应对此进行审查。客户的这种行为会使他对顾问产生怀疑,对他的信任或信心也会降低。客户通过快速的语言和说服技巧看得很清楚,结果,他们的怀疑程度上升了。相反,顾问应该是真实的自己,以关爱的方式说出真相,这将建立一种平衡,从而与客户建立信任、高效的关系。
The author is of the opinion that the role of consultancy has changed over the years. Consultancy organizations have grown in size and the role they play is more of a manager than an advisor. They end up taking the responsibility of performing the tasks they advise the clients in the first place. What will happen in this case is that the consultants become a part of the client organization. They loose the freedom that is essential for a consultant because of the policies and organizational politics that exist in the client organization. Mr. Block says that this situation came about not because it is a part of consultancy but because there is money in performing such tasks for the client. Another area of concern regarding ethics is the lack of accountability on the part of the consulting industry. He consultancy firms have their own models and methods which they force it on the clients. There is no negative impact in this industry even if the models do not work. The fact is that the clients themselves have come to accept such a behavior on the part of the consultants. Sometimes the consultant will agree to the