
团队工作总是有益于组织 Is Team Work Always Beneficial For The Organisation

日期:2018年02月14日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1579
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201705121139545846 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士预科课程作业 Master Pre Coursework

Team work has been a driving factor for many success stories and this term is as effective as it can be put together, there are lots of theories and conspiracy for an organization to draft a perfect team which benefits both the sides. Every organization is benefited by the effort of teamwork but the real fact being, are these teams being beneficial by this. The existent accomplishment of a team is achieved only when the team is built perfectly. There is a major difference between the term groups and teams. It is the cohesive group which intern becomes the team.

Benefits for the other members of the organization can be effective work handling or optimization of their works. Teams are successive only if they have collective responsibility people within them, rather than the normal groups being put together. Team building involves lots of attention as this is one of the factors which shall affect the entire base of the organization if they are not done perfectly, it may even result in a failure of the work being done or being proposed for. There are various factors which have to be considered while a team is being built like knowledge base of the team, size, functionalities, values are some of the major ones.

There has been a common theory of Bruce Tuckman in 1965 which drafts the team by forming, storming, norming and performing. When the first phase team members with no experience of a particular base would look into others to who have strong knowledge base of the assigned tasks, in this level participants are given a vision and direction in which they are about to go through, the most important task would be identifying each and participants identical skills as they pass on through training to accomplish team goals. Listening skills play an important role in this level providing active involvement and ground rules for the team is set on, at this stage everyone within the team intends to learn and knowledge sharing happens which shall bring out certain level of expertise within the team to benefit the overall organization. The next phase being the storming were the responsibilities of different members in the team tends to rise and they may have difficulties to overcome their new knowledge base, this stage is conflicts arise over each other and personal trusts of every member is put to test, guiding team members towards their task or goals, achieving the team diversity are some of the major activities which tends to happen and in Student No: 0858009 3

this stage people with confidence shall emerge as new leaders and the other membersa€™ term to accept their new leader without any hesitation. Then the next phase being norming while leader is being identified and the individual members who had been on a different learning process shall settle down into their identical roles, at this level providing constant feedback on their performances is very essential since members are being propagated across various new skill sets. Total activity of the team and individual will be encouraged for bringing in more participation. Rise of personal trust and team cohesion will bound the participants stronger, while team members shall perform their tasks with the decisions of their new leader; at this stage the team is committed towards the organization.

The final phase being the performing were the tasks are being performed towards a common goal by every member of the team and the leadera€™s guidance is not sort at this stage because of the task being identically identified and accomplished. There can be certain level of divergence within the team but this is sorted out with or without the leader. The gr