
领导与实践 Leadership And Ob In Practice

日期:2018年02月13日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1716
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201705150943327521 论文字数:3000 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科课程论文 BA Termpaper

Introduction: 简介
An organization is always relying on its employees for performing better. This fact is studied by various researchers and according to (Rayner and Smith, 2009), employees are regarded as a strategic advantage for an organization as it the behaviour of the employees cannot be replicated by the competitors. Further researches such as in UK, Work Foundation's Report (2003), found links between the presence of sound human resource practices and positive financial positions. MacDuffie (1995) also explored a positive relationship between the presence of HR practices and positive financial performance. This underpins the importance of HR and sound policies for ensuring a better organizational behaviour. However, organizations have to observe certain variables such as job design, workplace, communications between the employees and management, performance appraisal etc, which affects the organizational behaviour (Nelson, Quick, 1994).

Whilst there are many common factors influencing the direction of HR, there is no "one-size fits all" solution to HR issues; that is, each organization will need to develop its own unique vision for handling HR issues (Reddington et al., 2005). The handling of HR issues is also dependent on the style of leadership practiced by the leaders in an organization. Different organizations practice different types of leadership and management styles depending upon what their objectives are. Because of the fast-changing, business environments, organizations today are very flexible in terms of setting their objectives. This resulted in change of leadership and management styles from a traditional approach to new forms of leadership in organizations. According to Foster (2005), the organizations now are experiencing more interdependence amongst the employees and the leaders which creates a strong need of feeling the problems as their shared problems by the employees and their leaders. This puts the role and style of leadership in a role of vital importance for an organization to achieve success. In the given case, Richer Sounds is an organization where not only unconventional HR practices are followed but also a very unique role of leadership can be observed. The case study enlightens various variations in the leadership style where different methods are used to motivate the employees for achieving the desired outcomes.

This paper analyses the theory and apply it to the main issues related to the leadership and organizational behaviour in the given case. The paper analyses the areas of Leadership and leadership theories, Motivation theories and Transformational, Transactional & New forms of Leadership.

Leadership & Leadership Theories: 领导与领导理论:
Rost (1993) defines "Leadership" as an "influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes". Whereas Batten (1989) declares it as "development of a clear and complete system of expectations in order to identify, evoke and use the strengths of all the resources in the organization, the most important of which is people". These definitions and explanations are in pointing towards the vital role of leaders and managers in today's organizations where change is constant. There is a variation in the roles of managers and the leaders as discussed by Tichy & Devanna (1986) who argue that the focus of the management is on accomplishing the needs of the organization by controlling and problem solving; whereas when it comes to motivating and inspiring the people, leaders come nto the picture. Despite this variation in the roles of leadership and management, they are related to each other (Cunnigham, 1986). Following is application of the theories related to the leadership on the given cas