

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2224
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201401221907141809 论文字数:500 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科预科课程作业 BA Pre Coursework
论文语言:英语论文 English
论文专业:IB TOK
论文用于:Pre Undergraduate Assignment 本科预科作业

The Analysis of   Knowledge's Ways
    We people live in a world which is filled with mysterious and meaningful knowledge. Knowledge are facts, information, descriptions, and skills acquired through education or experience. It can be theoretical or practical, implicit or explicit, normal or informal. There are some kinds of knowledge such as: communicating knowledge, situated knowledge, partial knowledge, scientific knowledge and religious knowledge. Knowledge has been divided into different areas, and are accessible to human by many different ways. This paper tends to analyze the case of a famous saying: When the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems begin to resemble nails. In the first part, the thesis statement will be discussed, in other words, the potential meaning of this topic will be found. The second part will mainly illustrates the pros and cons of WOKs. In the third part, several examples of learning ways will be demonstrated to support the key argument. That the use of WOKs should be carefully considered and selected.(Hendricks, 2006)
Thesis statement
    The superficial of the saying by Abraham Maslow is that when people have a hammer, he will deservedly to find a nail. It actually means that people are always biased by the backgrounds. They tend to see the world with their limited knowledge, understanding or solution, and try to find solutions that the backgrounds suggest. It is hard for people to accept alternative views, even if the view is correct. This situation draws our attention to the ways of learning knowledge. We take the WOKs as tools to explore the world. Sometimes a single way is not efficient and may mislead our knowing, so it is necessary to analyze the pros and cons of each way and combine them with each other when we are viewing a complex situation.( Kvanvig, 2003)
Four ways of knowing
    Ways of knowing are methods of gaining information. There are four ways of knowing:language, sense perception, emotion, reason. Sense perception: we perceive the world through our 5senses. Sense perception is an important dimension of our understanding of the world. It is the channel for us to communicate with the outside world. Each of our sense organs can only reflect an attribute of the object, the direct effects on individual attribute of things that it reflects only a feeling. ( Michel, 2003www.51lunwen.org/dxlxszy/ ) Language: language is not only a way we understand the world, it is also the way we express ourselves, and also allows others to understand us. A major question in language is to what extent our perception of the world is limited by the language we speak. Emotion: emotion is hard to measure because everyone has a different emotion to the world surrounding us. The key question of emotion is to what extent it affects our objective recognition of the world. We must be good at self, is good at modulation fit regulate mood, reaction caused by life contradiction and events can proper comfort, can with optimism, humorous interest in a timely manner to relieve tension state of mind.. Reason:reason is traditionally considered as the opposite of emotion. Make people able to identify, judgment, the evaluation of practical reason and make the person's behavior in line with the specific purpose of intelligence. Rational by argument and persuasive argument discover truth, by logical reasoning rather than rely on the appearance and get conclusion, opinions and actions of reason. (Johnson, 2006)