论文语言:英语论文 English
您的学校:Indiana University Bloomington
论文用于:BA assignment 本科课程作业
(信息通信技术) ,他们如何思考它们,不同的社会规范,信仰和实践的人制定关于这些技术和他们的社会影响。
In this assignment, you will design a social informatics research study. In lectures and course materials, we discuss the ways in which people use information and communication technologies (ICTs), how they think about them, the different social norms, beliefs, and practices people are developing with respect to these technologies and their social implications. For this assignment, you will explore a topic of your choice, though the topic must relate to the themes and concepts discussed in class. You should not attempt to explore ICT use in general. Rather, you are required to focus on a specific aspect of people’s experiences with ICTs (such as: organizing certain groups using social media, the experience of being continuously online through our computers and phones, impressions
and experiences of knowledge work among a particular set of people, etc.). Narrowing to a specific topic will help to ensure that you choose achievable research questions and better appropriate methodology to gather data.
Note: You are not being asked to conduct a social informatics study; you are being asked to design (and explain) a hypothetical study.
1. One clear, refined research question that narrowly targets your area of interest.
2. Three to four additional subordinate questions that are related to the primary research question; these are more focused on specific cases, subtopics, or unique issues within your area of interest your study would investigate.
3. One or two paragraphs that identify the method(s) you could employ to gather data and provide a detailed explanation of why you believe this (or these) methods are best suited to answer your research question(s). (We are asking you to provide the rationale for selecting these methods.) For this item, select from the list of methods provided for you with this assignment.
4. One or two paragraphs that carefully explore your hypothesis. Here you should tell us what you expect to find, not because you know the answer, but to ground your proposed research within concepts you’ve learned this semester (you might consider revisiting Sawyer’s five findings as a means to think about the types of findings that could result generically). Avoid statements that declare any known or certain outcome. (You have not completed a study so you cannot say what the outcome will be!)
5. A literature review. Select five properly cited sources. Beneath each full citation, include at least one sentence that summarizes the source and one that relates the source to your topic. Your research design should be roughly two pages in length. You must cite your sources using a recognized citation style (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).
Electronic submissions must be in PDF or Word (.doc or .docxwww.51lunwen.org/dxlxszy/ ) formats only.
For this assignment, you may choose from the common methods listed below. If you want to argue for using a data collection method that is not listed here, please speak with your AI to get approval before you do this to be sure you will not accidentally hurt your grade for this assignment.
Please refer to the provided reading referenced here for additional explanation of methods, implementation, advantages, and disadvantages. Catherine Marshall, Gretchen B. Rossman 2006.Designing Qualitative Research, 4th ed. Chapter 4: Data Collection Methods, Pp 97 - 150. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
1. Interviews - Marshall and Rossman, pp. 101-2
2. Ethnography - Marshall and Rossman, pp. 98-9
3. Historical Document Collection and Analysis - Marshall and