
美国Elementary Education硕士课程作业

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3869
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201311111940142855 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
t aspect.  
By analyzing the results if the 3 tasks, we can see difference and similarity of the 5 groups of participants. 
Phonological awareness is deemed as an important and reliable prediction of reading ability in the later days and has been the focus of much research (National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) The results of the 3 tasks were scored by several research assistant, so that they can reduce errors and make the result much more reliable and objective. 
As for the data analysis, an analysis of variance was used to see difference between groups. The researchers were trying hard to make the research much more scientific and practical. 
The final results were made up of 2 comparisons and a conclusion. At the very beginning of the test analysis, the researchers put forward their hypothesis, and then by analyzing the tasks they got their conclusions. (Nittrouer, S. 1996)
Firstly the researchers made a comparison in the speech-language pathologists and other educators. According to the analysis of the scores each groups got in the task, great difference was showed. In all of the 3 tasks: phoneme segmentation, phoneme identification, and phoneme isolation, speech-language pathologists ranked first in all of the tasks. The result was totally coincided with what the researchers presumed in the beginning. 
Second comparison was made between reading teachers and special education teachers and kindergarten teachers and first-grade teachers. The data showed that these two groups of participants performed relatively identical , no difference was showed. This result was opposite to what researchers presumed. 
There are differences in the patterns of the performances. As the level of the tasks was not all the same. By doing tasks, the participants got improved and their ability and potential were explored. 
After analyzing the results, the researchers made a discussion about the study. In the first task, we can learn that even speech-language pathologists can not reach a perfect expert skill, there is much room for improvement for all of the educators. According to  Moats, it is necessary to let student take courses about analyzing the sound structure of words. And those who have a better phonological awareness concentrate much more on word sound activities.
In the second task, a worrying finding was that reading teachers and special education teachers performed worse than kindergarten teachers and first-grade teachers. This outcome worth thinking deeply by all the educators. (Perfetti, 1987).
Since the educators do not have a professional teaching knowledge, how can they teach their students well? The study also showed that all these groups shared one thing in common: they are all showing a better behavior when identifying the number of sounds in the easy words. But when facing with hard words, group differences were easy to see. As you can imagine, speech-language pathologists got the highest scores again.

And the third task phoneme isolation showed that participants were easily disturbed by prints.

At the end of the study, the author put forward three suggestions to apply into their careers. The suggestions that they drew was based on their study as well as current studies from other research groups. 
First, increase the phonological awareness skill of all educators. An improvement in the phonological awareness skill can help to enhance children’s literacy achievement, so it is a mus