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日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1214
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201311171835169812 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

论文题目:Organizational Change in a Global Context
论文语言:英语论文 English
您的学校:University of Delaware美国综排60+
论文用于:Master assignment 硕士课程作业
Please read each question carefully and be sure to address all aspects of the question thoroughly within the specified page limit and format. 
DO NOT repeat the question in your response.

 Organizational Change in a Global Context
You are a mid-level manager for a US-based manufacturing company which has established a joint venture with an Indian company. The American company entered the joint venture originally to expand their markets into Asia and the Indian company gained technical knowhow. The joint venture has matured to the point that it is ready to expand into Asia Pacific. Your firm has purchased a manufacturing facility in Indonesia with the appropriate equipment and staff to produce and distribute your product. As a rising executive, you are a member of the joint venture team of two Americans and two Indians who are responsible for integrating this new plant into the joint venture. You, personally, are charged with overseeing the management structures and systems developed for the facility in Indonesia.

Your response should include:
1. A discussion of a global mindset and its importance to this situation; 
2. Analysis of the situation in terms of organizational structures and systems and how they 
interact with the environment, being careful to specifically identify the systems models 
you use; 
3. Consideration of the most relevant Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck cultural orientations for 
this situation; and 
4. Identification of appropriate model(s) for change and cultural integration including a list 
of basic steps you would take to implement the model(s) in this context. 

Be sure to give roughly equal weight to change issues and cultural issues. GUIDELINES FOR YOUR RESPONSE
Your response should combine reference to the specific aspects of global mindset, and organizational systems, structures and change management with your own analysis and integration.
You must demonstrate that you can apply specific cultural theory, identify areas of cultural difference to be aware of and take into account in decision making, and integrate concepts of global awareness with an understanding of organizational structures and systems in an effort to properly affect organizational change in a cross-national setting.

All references must be appropriately documented complete with in-text citations and reference list following APA format . Length should be a maximum of 5 pages of text (single spaced, minimum 12 pt font and 1” margins; the reference list is not counted in maximum pages). Please insert page numbers.