
Essay格式范文:The Rhetorical Situation of the relationship between science and religion

日期:2023年02月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:765
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A look at various inputs by well-known individuals on harmonizing religion and science-because it can be done since both are inseparable. The late William H. Bragg, a British physicist, argued that from religion a man derived his purpose while from science, his power to achieve it. His position was that religion and science are opposed to one another but in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. Ultimately, it is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped. 
Of course, there has to have been divergent views and the best example is Physicist Stephen Hawking’s. He opines that here is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. He however agreed that although there is this difference, the two can still co-exist, affirming the views of Victor J. Stenger, Emeritus Professor of Physics, University of Hawaii that Religion and science are like oil and water and are fundamentally incompatible. However, he added that they can co-exist but they can never mix to produce a homogeneous medium. 
Furthermore, we have to come alive to the fact that every domain has some lacking. While religion might lack tangible evidence in matters creation and existence, science lacks backing in ethical matters. Alister McGrath avers that most scientists would agree that scientific methods do not cover moral questions (McGrath, 2010). Richard Dawkins wrote in his book The best American science and nature writing that  science has no methods for deciding what is ethical” (Dawkins, 2003, P.34). Because of this religion is, according to McGrath, as important as science. 
此外,我们必须认识到,每个领域都有一些不足之处。虽然宗教在物质创造和存在方面可能缺乏有形证据,但科学在伦理问题上缺乏支持。Alister McGrath认为,大多数科学家都同意科学方法不涉及道德问题。理查德·道金斯在《美国最好的科学与自然》一书中写道,科学没有办法决定什么是道德的”。
Alister McGrath claims that neither science nor religion is absolute, meaning that they do not have all the answers (McGrath, 2010). I agree to the extent that both domains work to complement each other. The two fields are different which should enable them to harmonize and work to complement each other instead of contradicting one another. In fact when you look at it, the discussion on science and religion does allow us to appreciate both domains as distinct entities and appreciate them for the role they play to make existence wholesome. 
Alister McGrath声称,科学和宗教都不是绝对的,这意味着他们没有所有的答案。我同意这两个领域相辅相成。这两个领域是不同的,这应该使它们能够协调一致,相互补充,而不是相互矛盾。事实上,当你看它的时候,关于科学和宗教的讨论确实让我们能够将这两个领域视为不同的实体,并欣赏它们在使生活健康方面所起的作用。
To conclude, I agree with Francisco Ayala, a biologist at the University of California, Irvine that evolution and religious beliefs need not be in contradiction with science because they concern different matters. Science and religion are like two different windows for looking at the world. Science concerns the processes that account for the natural world while Religion concerns the meaning and purpose of the world and of human life, the proper relation of people to the Creator and to each other, the moral values that inspire and govern people’s lives.
References 参考文献
Barbour, I. G. (1998). Religion And Science: historical and Contemporary Issues, (Rev.ed) London: SCM Press. 
Dawkins, R., & Folger, T. (Eds.), The best American science and nature writing.(2003). Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 
McGrath, A. E. (2010). Science and Religion: a New Introduction (2.ed.). [Malden, MA:] Wiley-Blackwell. 
Nicole, A. (2018). The relationship between religion and science: Illustrated through creationism and humanism 
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