
Essay格式范文:The Rhetorical Situation of the relationship between science and religion

日期:2023年02月18日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:765
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202302182011372202 论文字数:1500 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:代写essay essay
hat Wilson’s statement is illogical because religion is not set out on replacing science. He opines that the two domains are not in conflict, but serve different purposes (Barbour, Pp. 77-84). This is the departing point of this essay.
根据Alister McGrath在其著作《科学与宗教:新导论》中的说法,一些科学家认为宗教和科学总是会相互挑战,而这一挑战可能不会停止,直到两者中的一个被消除。与此同时,一些宗教信徒认为科学对他们的信仰构成了威胁。尽管有这两方面,历史学家对科学与宗教冲突的看法并不相同。McGrath坚持认为,历史学家认为,科学打开了宗教问题的大门,而不是关闭它们,迫使它们变得无足轻重。巴博在某种程度上也持有同样的观点,他认为这种观点不合逻辑,这是社会生物学家爱德华·O·威尔逊提出的观点,即宗教将被科学取代,成为古老的历史。在爱德华的论点中,科学最终会证明所有宗教都是虚假的,因为它们缺乏确凿的证据支持。巴布尔认为,威尔逊的说法不合逻辑,因为宗教并不是为了取代科学。他认为,这两个领域并不冲突,但有不同的目的。这是本文的出发点。
Looking back to the ‘age of enlightment’ and emergence of science from old scientists, it was not about proving religion wrong. In fact, some of the individuals considered ‘Fathers of Science’ were very religious. Case in point- Isaac Newton who was not only considered one of the greatest mathematicians, physicists, and most influential scientists of all time but also a theologian. In fact, many scientific achievements in the middle Ages were made by religions people. While the Church suppressed science, its own religious believers did well in scientific research. The most famous example is Copernicus, who as a priest set up a church observatory for years of observation, and finally proposed the “sun center theory”-which was basically the scientific proposal that the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun at the centre of the Universe. This was done by a person considered not only knowledgeable in matters religion but also a believer and teacher of the same religion. 
Furthermore, the academic community believes that binary was created by Leibniz. In 1701, Leibniz sent a letter to Joachim Bouvet, a French missionary in China, in which he set out the arithmetic rules of binary. And Bouvet felt that Leibniz’s “binary” seemed to have connection with the eight diagrams in one Chinese religious book called Zhouyi (mainly used for divination) and sent them to Leibniz. Leibniz was thrilled to see Bouvet’s reply and published an article about it. Again, proving that both domains could co-exist- science sometimes needs to acquire inspiration from religion, and religion needs scientific explanations to prove and develop itself from time to time. 
A more analytical viewpoint to my averment that science and religion are inseparable in certain situations is in a reference to the health sector. People who subscribe to both domains- religion and science- can agree on one thing- being sick is awful. You might think diseases are caused by sin or punishment from God if you are religious and another might look at it from a different point of view- allergy, environmental pollution or genetic dysfunction. From whatever point of view, we all agree-a cure is needed. Over the years the modern religious person has stopped turning to prayer as the soul cure. In fact it is constantly said that ‘God help these who help themselves’ and in this situation, one will have to go to hospital to get treated based on scientific research and analysis of their condition. Vaccines, Vitamins and curative drugs are all scientifically curated. Yet some doctors are not only religious, they are teachers of the same religion and will often tell you that ‘they treat, God heals’. 