hose who love the brand are driven by the kind of lifestyle they live and the need to maintain that lifestyle (Gucci.com, 2010)
Gucci brand does not consider the economy class or the middle class; thus an inefficient utilization of the market population, as the market lies in this category of consumer.
Gucci is very conscious of the countries it locate its brands considering the fact that they are exclusive and of great quality.
Gucci operates in very few countries in America and Europe whose consumer behaviour is unique in terms of quality. For example,France populace are willing to pay more for quality. In recent times, Gucci has spread to France, Germany and Belgium (Gucci.com 2010).
Gucci geographical segmentation is poorly structured as it tends to ignore developing countries and emerging markets.
Gucci brand focus is majorly on this segmentation with strict concentration on life style. Over the years, they have targeted the lifestyle of their customers who are mainly songsters, film stars, and aristocrats, whose buying decision are mainly influenced by the group they belong to (Gucci.com, 2010).
Gucci focuses on lifestyle because it satisfies them best and most profitable considering the fact that their brands are expensive and of great quality.
The factors driving the psychological aspect of Gucci's segmentation over the years are increasing disposable income, lower unemployment globally, increasing female employment, growing wealthy class in emerging countries and the desire to emulate the lifestyle of others and social influence to purchase luxury goods (Hine T and Quin L,2005).
As a result of the recent global recession, people are more cautious of their spending on luxury goods, emphasis on quality has reduced and emphasis on price (reduction) has increased as consumers tries to avoid or reduce impulse buying (Beverland M, 2005)
Also, with increase purchase of counterfeit luxury goods, the brand is losing its value as most people see the counterfeit and real brands as the same; this could lead to reduction of loyal customers' base, and could affect sales and returns on brand negatively (Eugene M. et al, 2010).
Behavioural segmentation could be viewed from the aspect of brand loyalty, user rate and market responsiveness towards product (Kotler P. et al, 2008). Gucci as a brand has proved over the years to be of great quality and very durable, thus it has a high percentage of consumers' loyalty.
Gucci brand comes with great experience in different dimensions. Most of the loyal customers may have experience its great quality and the respect the brand commands.
Gucci can increase its user rate and the attitude of the market towards its product by moderating its price as its prices are usually on the high side.
Gucci concentration on lifestyle has helped to improve their loyal customers' base over the years.
It has also helped the company to maximize competitive advantage that serves the target market in