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civil rights movement against apartheid and discrimination. One of the most famous leaders was Martin Luther King, who published a speech “I have a dream”, expressing the ideals of blacks in pursuit of freedom, equality and democracy. And the Black Panthers were through organization, education and economy to support American blacks to fight for equal rights against racism (Griffin, 2008).
After the civil rights movements of the 1950s and the 1960s, the struggle for equal rights by the African Americans had achieved significant and legal results to a certain extent, President Johnson signed three civil rights acts in 1964, 1965 and 1968, since then, the democratic rights and social status of blacks have been greatly improved, the racial discrimination in American society has been greatly weakened compared with in the past, the concept of racial equality began to form in all walks of life (Griffin, 2008).
But there are still lots of shortcomings in the rights of democracy and freedom for American blacks. As in politics, although the number of Aframerican political participation increases, black in politics in the United States has not achieved equal status with its number and influence, they are still excluded from the government decision-making process. Although the black economic life has improved, since the 1970s and the 1980s, black unemployment rate has been 2 to 3 times of the rate of white. Since the education level of the majority of blacks is generally low, so far most of them can only engage in the most cumbersome and most neglected labor and acquire low income (Hoggard, Hill, Gray and Sellers; 2015).1/3 of the black families live in poverty line or below poverty line. In the field of science and technology, black engineers and scientists are also numbered. In short, today, racial discrimination in the United States still exists in a more subtle form, so that blacks suffer a lot, but it is difficult to speak in words (Abramson, Hashemi and Sánchez-Jankowski, 2015).

2.2 The course of American women’s quest for equality
After the founding of the United States, the civil rights that women enjoyed were also greatly limited, many states prohibited women to own property, women did not have the political right to vote. The reason for why the constitution provided like that was first mainly because of maintaining the special status of white men, followed by the impact by the traditional British culture that “men are superior to women. In order to safeguard women's rights and achieve gender equality, there have been three feminist movements since the founding of the United States. The first feminist tide in American history began on July 19, 1848, at the Seneca Falls Village, where the first feminist-themed women's congress was held in American history, and it issued the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments, which elaborated the right to equality between men and women (Hoston, 2012). By 1920, the US Congress passed the "Nineteenth Amendment" to endow women with the right to vote, marking the end of the first feminist movement in the United States (Foster, 2015). In the 1960s, when blacks launched a civil rights movement, feminism looked back and reflected on their own inequality in the social, political and economic situations. Feminists set off the second wave of feminism in American history and fought for their equal rights, including women's participation in politics, employment, promotion, education, women's health, fertility, abortion and other female interests (Foster, 20