Using focus groups and in-depth interviews, whilst procuring a reasonably deep understanding of participants’ perceptions, was somewhat biased in the sense that real opinions may have been concealed in the presence of other participants and the researcher. If the study were to be repeated, ethnography could be undertaken to more naturally observe participants in an online environment, where their perceptions might be conveyed more accurately without the potentially influencing presence of other people. Secondly, the screening question and participant recruitment failed to produce a homogeneous group of participants who felt negatively towards illegal downloading. Had such a group been acquired for research, the perceptions from the majority of participants who admitted to illegally downloading could have been compared with viewpoints from non-downloaders. Furthermore, a follow up quantitative survey could be designed from the findings to further research young adults’ perceptions of the digitalized music phenomenon.
The quality of the data was ensured in a number of ways. Firstly, the interpretation of data was validated by the co-researcher. Secondly, a member check was employed, where a summary of findings was given to the two participants from the in-depth interviews for them to analyse. Both participants replied saying that they recognised their own experience within the findings, and also that they felt the interpretation of their comments had been both accurate and valid. However, member checks were not conducted for the focus groups, a limitation meaning that the level of quality attributable to the data was not as high as if it had been verified by all participants. To overcome this limitation, however, research findings were synthesised with the background literature wherever possible.
Contents Page目录
Research Objectives...........................................................................................4
Evaluation of Research Design
1. Research Paradigm................................................................................5
2. Data Collection Methods.........................................................................6
3. Sampling.................................................................................................6
4. Research Procedure...............................................................................7
5. Ethical Concerns.....................................................................................8
6. Data Analysis..........................................................................................9
Research Findings and Discussion..................................................................10
Conclusions and Recommendations................................................................23
List of Tables
Table 1: Opinions of a Range of Artists.................................................................14
List of Appendices
1. Focus Group Guide.................................................................................27
2. Consent Form..........................................................................................31
3. Screening Question e-mail......................................................................33
4. Transcript of Focus Group 2....................................................................34
5. Transcript of Emma’s In-depth Interview.