

日期:2018年09月03日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:845
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论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
如果奥巴马和普京互换位置将会如何?这是一个很有趣的问题。奥巴马聪明又细心,普京是坚定而勇敢的。如果奥巴马领导的俄罗斯,普京领导的美国,那么世界历史是否会改变?当然,这是一个伪命题,但作为两个超级国家的领导人,他们有一些共同的特点。If Obama and Putin swap positions will be how? This is a very interesting question. Obama is smart and careful. Putin is resolute and brave. If Obama led the Russian, Putin led the USA, then the world history whether will change? Of course, this is a false proposition, but as the two super states leaders, they have some common characteristics.
Honesty and Integrity诚实和正直
许多作者认为诚实和正直可以赢得下属的信任,而信任是获得影响力的关键(Pless,N.M.,2011)。 艾森豪威尔将军曾经说过,如果领导者缺乏坦率和诚实的性格,领导者只能面对失败的结果。 因此,领导者最需要的是诚实的品格和雄心勃勃的目标。Many authors think that honesty and integrity can win the trust of subordinates, and trust is the key to gain influence (Pless, N. M., 2011). General Eisenhower once said, if the leader lacked the frank and honest character, the leader can only face the outcome of the failure. Therefore, a leader needs most is honest character and ambitious goal.
The Cultivation of People人的培养
要对周围的人施加影响,必须努力培养他们。培养人的领导者通常是为了别人的利益,让别人从前面得到自我价值的提升,增加自己的归属感,对自己的未来充满希望。To exert influence on the people around, must work hard to cultivate them. The leader who cultivated people is usually the sake of others, let others get the promotion of self value from the front, to increase their sense of belonging, full of hope for their future.
Listen to Others
The people who do not listen to others speak of people may not have the ability to influence others. The relationship between listening to establish people, let leader associate with people more broadly, and cultivate more solid, more profound friendship.
To Understand Others
One of the biggest asset which a leader can have, it is the ability to understand others. There is a very interesting words in many company's corporate culture: the contradiction between the 98% is a misunderstanding. This is actually said, the staff should strengthen communication and understanding, can communicate and understand others always brings fear to others.
The Development of Others
The influential people, expand the others is a kind of investment, because the leader development enhances the probability of success is extended, tap their potential for growth, enhance the team's cohesion. A successful leader subjectively evaluate the potential of subordinates, and put them in the successful position, give them a chance to develop themselves.
The Essence of Leadership
The Core of Leadership
Leadership Development
DePree, M. (2011). Leadership is an art. Random House LLC.
Pless, N. M., Maak, T., & Stahl, G. K. (2011). Developing responsible global leaders through international service-learning programs: The Ulysses experience. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10(2), 237-260.
Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.
Shamir, B. (2011). Leadership takes time: Some implications of (not) taking time seriously in leadership research. The Leadership Quarterly, 22(2), 307-315.
Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I., & Rechsteiner, L. (2012). Leadership in organizational knowledge creation: a review and framework. Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), 240-277.