

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011041017385627 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1181
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201203020936165819 论文字数:1452 所属栏目:Assignment格式论文
论文地区:美国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
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Faculty of Business and Law Session 2010/2011
Semester 2
Individual Assignment (100% of Module Assessment)
Submission date: 15th April 2011 (before 16.00)
Examiner: P Dobson
Important Information for Candidates
The manufacturing of textiles in Eastern countries has helped the localeconomy and national GDP, China is now recognised as having the
second largest economy (overtaking Japan) and is due to be the largesteconomy in around 2019. This manufacturing of cheap textiles has hadan impact upon textile manufacturing in Western countries who have hadto move their manufacturing to Eastern countries, find niche markets orclose down as they are unable to compete. The advantage to thecustomers is that they can have cheaper clothes, and the retail trade can
have a higher profit margin.
You must undertake all of the following tasks below.
1 Consider:
A) How the consequentialist ethic may be used by Eastern textileproducers in their support of manufacturing in Eastern countries.
B) How the consequentialist ethic may be used by Western consumer
groups in their opposition manufacturing of textile in Eastern countries.
The word limit for this section of the paper is 1250 words. Maximum mark forthis section is 50% of the whole mark.
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2 Reflect upon:
A) The merits of the consequentialist ethic given that it is able to supportboth sides of the same argument.
B) Either
Ø How the consumer as the final decision maker in the supply chain may
use the ethic of virtue to respond to the manufacturer of textiles in
Eastern countries.
Ø How the manufacturer of textiles in Eastern countries may use the ethic of
virtue to respond to the consumers in Western countries.
The word limit for this section of the paper is 1250 words. Maximum mark forthis section is 50% of the whole mark.
(The total word limit for the assignment is 2500 words. A typed or wordprocessed
double spaced format is mandatory.)Penalties for exceeding the word limit:
1-10% Excess - No Penalty
11-20% Excess – 10% Reduction in the Mark
21-30% Excess – 20% Reduction in the Mark
31%+ The grade will be capped at a pass i.e. 40% or Grade Point 4
Students are reminded the University considers plagiarism a serious offenceand you should refer to the Students handbook for the full policy on the way
plagiarism is dealt with by the University authorities.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Demonstrate a systematic understanding of modern developments within
business management.
Justify the recommendation of alternative approaches to management.
Demonstrate knowledge and application of international standards relating tosustainability, values and norms and business ethics within a global context.
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The assignment brief below details the areas that will be taken into account
when marking the assignment.
Key issues central to the debate on sustainability of our natural environment.
Consequentialist theory and its application within a business context.Virtue theory and its application within a business context.Pass answers are expected to have a clear structure, full referencing and
written in clear, understandable English without grammatical or spelling errors.
To 39%
Grade point
1- 3
Purely descriptive assignments that do not use the
concepts and language of the subject fail.
40% to 49%
Grade point
Evidence of substantial reading, with understanding of therelevant materials and concepts is essential. This willrequire suitably referenced academic underpinning
50 % to 59%
Grade point
A systematic structured approach to development and
evaluation of argument relating to all areas of interest in thecase study and engagement with the ethical principles is
required. To achieve 57% + the assignment must containcredible specific and logically sound recommendations.
60% to 69%
Grade point
For grades of 2.1 and above integration of ethicalconcepts and theories in determining t