
Business Paper范文:Customer Relationship Management in Volkswagen

日期:2023年07月12日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1313
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The preceding suggestions are a result of the example utilized and are borne out of the theories represented by varied authorities on Customer Relationship Management. Taylor (2002, Pp 9-10) supports the preceding as he states that there are seven key skill categories that are a part of the successful implementation of a Customer Relationship Management process:
It should seek to be in harmony with the overall business plan 它应该寻求与整体商业计划相协调
It should be seen as a strategic business process 应将其视为一个战略性业务流程
Its purposes as well as objectives should be defined clearly and be communicated to all departments 应明确其目的和目标,并将其传达给所有部门
It needs to be measurable 它需要可衡量
Realistic goals and objectives need to be set 需要设定现实的目标
It needs to be adapted to specific requirements 它需要适应特定的要求
If needed, the culture of the company might need changing to comport to the Customer Relationship Management initiative 它应该寻求与整体商业计划相协调
The preceding demonstrates that the implementation and utilization of a well planned, thought out and fluid Customer Relationship Management process that redefines itself on a consistent basis can aid a company in an enhanced reputation, bottom line profitability and customer retention. Ahmed et al (2002, Pp 29-45) stated that it is important that the internal staff also be treated as groups with their own needs as well as demands in crafting a Customer Relationship Management process. This enables their views, goals and objectives to be considered and where feasible, incorporated. The example utilized was before the prevalence of Internet based Customer Relationship Strategies and thus this technology represents a means to provide further service to customers in an unobtrusive manner. The Internet also permits the customer relationship manager, and company, to maximize the performance of Customer Relationship Management tools and processes through more precise data collection and segmentation methodologies which results in being able to target customer needs, preferences and predict probabilities for a more proactive approach based upon the foregoing, rather than the traditional reactive mode.
Conclusion 结论
Given the period of time since the pronouncement by Peter Drucker (1954, p. 64) that “… the purpose of a firm is to create and serve customers…” his vision has proved to be true. Morris et al (2001, p 98), Professor Adrian Payne of Cranfield University (2003), Chye et al (20002, Pp 1-27) Storbacka et al (2001, P 8) and a litany of others have concluded the importance of Customer Relationship Management in having an integral part in the achievement or enhancement of
考虑到彼得·德鲁克宣布“公司的目的是创造和服务客户”后的一段时间,他的愿景被证明是正确的。Morris等人、克兰菲尔德大学的Adrian Payne教授、Chye等人、Storbacka等人和其他许多人得出结论,客户关系管理在实现或加强
Sales 销售额
Market Share 市场占有率
Profit generation 产生利润
New customers 新客户
Customer turnover 客户营业额
Cost Reduction 降低成本
Service time 服务时间
Customer Complaints (Jain et al, 2003, Pp 17-22) 客户投诉
Jain et al (2003, Pp 17-22) observations synthesized the foregoing into ten behavioural dimensions to identify the process effectiveness that clearly illustrates the organization wide dimensions involved:Jain等人的观察结果将上述内容综合为十个行为维度,以确定清楚说明所涉及的全组织维度的过程有效性
Attitude geared to serve:服务态度
An understanding of expectations:对期望的理解
Perceptions of quality:质量观念
Keeping promises:信守承诺
Satisfaction audit:满意度审核
The customer has, is and remains as ‘king’ and in order to keep him in the realm a company’s overall strategy must be in consort with doing all that is possible inconsideration of bott