

日期:2018年03月01日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2020
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201611302022044292 论文字数:9652 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

1 引言——Introduction

准确说就完全当最近一段时间全球化才开始有反对意见。兰德和威廉姆森断言,全球化开始在 200 多年前,而 Scholte  认为贸易和投资流量增长只是在二次世界大战后。根据罗比 · 罗伯逊,过去 500 年来已经三次浪潮的全球化;1500年、 1800年和最后 1900年的呈现。很多关于全球化的文献是指它作为一个新的视角看老现象。

There are also opposing views on how to define globalization and what its effects have been on developing and developed countries. There are three common arguments which have emerged; globalization has had a negative impact on developing countries;globalisaktion has had a positive impact on developing ocuntries;globalization has by passed developing countries.

Globalisation has had a positive impact on developing countries: According to classical and neoclassical theories; globalisation has been beneficial to developing countries.

Globalisation has had a negative impact on developing countries -This perspective originates from Prebish (1950) and Singher (1950) and was further expanded by economist. Those who oppose this perspective compare the present international economy to the one that existed before the benefits of trade were proposed.

Globalisation has by-passed developing countries - Those who support this perspective argue that while there are benefits of trade as expressed by classical and neoclassical theorist, developing countries have yet experienced these benefits (see for example, Hirst & Thompson 1996; Hoogvelt 1997, H. Richardson et al.,2005 p163)).

In fact, many globalised developing countries claim that they not have benefited from globalization and are still confronted with the same economic struggles ( J.Jette, 2003) Western developed countries however, have had quite a different experience with globalization. According to Brittan (1998: p 8), globalization has led to an increase in the wealth of developed countries but not necessarily increased poverty in the developing countries.

When observing the developing states in the Caribbean, which are classified as Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by the United Nations, it is questionable as to whether or not globalization has been beneficial to this region. Has globalization obliterated the lines of inequality between states and within states? Has openness to foreign trade and investment accelerated economic development within SIDS? Are these states any better off or much the same since the most recent wave of globalization?

In an attempt to answer these questions, Add on about development

1.1 Research Question

Has globalization had a positive,negative or no effect on the Economic Development of Haiti and the Bahamas?

What role has openness played if any, in the economic status of these countries today?

1.2 Gaps in Literature/Limitations
Although vast amounts of literature was published on of globalization and developing countries, most studies focused on the environmental effects of globalization, while ignoring other aspects. This apparent gap in literature makes it makes difficult to conlude on the following points;

How developing countries were affected by globalisation

How individuals within a country are affected in regards to poverty, inequality and development

The compatrative impact of globalisatin between developing countries

1.3 Research Issue

There are conflicting views as to what type of impact globalization had on developing countries, in particular, Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean. While it is true that some islands in the Caribbean are prosperous, some islands are also in dire poverty. Very little is known about the actual affects of globalization on SIDS of the Caribbean.

1.4 Research Purpose

The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of openness, trade and investment on the economic development in the SIDS of the Caribbean, with a special case study of Haiti and the Bahamas. To make a comparative analysis of how different countries in SIDS have progressed since the period of colonialism to independence. This study will hopefully add more knowledge to a previous resea