Wto Has Significantly Helped To Reduce Tariffs Application Economics Essay
Definition and history of non-tariff measures
Non-tariff measures have been defined by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). However, the WTO does not have a clear definition of what a non-tariff measure is. However, one should note that non-tariff barriers is the same as non-tariff measures for the WTO while for the OECD, it has a different perspective.
The OECD defines non-tariff measures as being policy measures that have the effect of limiting trade, with no implied judgement on the legitimacy or otherwise of these measures, i.e., those measures are completely legal. However, non-tariff barriers have been defined as being instruments that are in violation of the WTO law.
Non-tariff barriers have arose because the WTO rules have forced countries to reduce or eliminate their tariffs and those countries have devised the non-tariff barriers in order to protect their countries even if they are restrictions to the liberalisation of trade.
In the year 1976 to 1979, approximately 800 non-tariff barriers have been notified and in 1979 to 1981, there has been approximately 1000 non-tariff barriers were notified. As such, the WTO decided that since non-tariff barriers were increasing and causing several problems, there was a need to regulate them. As such, in the Kennedy Round Negotiations (1963-1969) it was decided that non-tariff measures could be negotiated and that there must be an inventory of the non-trade barriers. Moreover, an anti-dumping code was developed since anti-dumping is known to be a non-tariff barrier. Then, in the Uruguay Round Initiatives, the Punta del Este Declaration was set up and whose aim was to reduce or eliminate non-tariff measures. In addition, a negotiating group on non-tariff measures was formed and Alan Winters, lecturer at the Bristol University and who is a Research Fellow in the Centre’s International Trade Programme, showed that “industrial and developing countries could use this negotiating procedure to strike mercantilist bargains which would significantly reduce the levels of the non-tariff barriers.” Indeed, he stated that non-trade barriers were causing serious problems to the developing countries in the exporting sector. As such, developing countries should also participate in the negotiations for reducing and eliminating non-tariff barriers.
Types of non-tariff measures.
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCAD) has distinguished seven categories of non-tariff measures and which are as follows:
Para-tariff measures: Those are measures which increase the cost of imports similar to what tariffs do and which are calculated on the basis of value and the quantity. Examples of para-tariff measures are customs surcharges, additional chargers and internal taxes levied on imports.
Price control measures: Such measures are undertaken in order to control the price of imported products for various reasons such as combating unfair practices of foreign trade or to help domestic products whenever the price of imports are lower than domestic prices. Administrative pricing, voluntary export restraints, dumping and countervailing measures are found under it.
Finance measures: This measure has been defined by the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) as being measures set up to regulate the access to and cost of foreign exchange for imports and define the terms of payment. The advance payment requirements, multiple exchange rates and transfer delays are examples that have been inc