
帮写termpaper(term paper format?)termpaper是学期报告么?

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1510
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201205251519551352 论文字数:3652 所属栏目:Paper写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:小论文 Small paper


term paper format?

term paper Format
What is the correct Term Paper Format? We can actually divide the format into two segments; a term paper that is simply an essay with research contents and a term paper that is a full research paper. There are differences between the two and you should know what they are before writing your school paper.

Termpaper for the Course of Translation

Computer Translation of Homonymy and Polysemy

In this paper, I want to discuss computer translation from the perspective of its treatment to homonymy and polysemy. The term homonymy is used when one form has two or more unrelated meanings. Examples of homonyms are the pair bank (of a river)—bank (financial institution). The term polysemy refers to a word with related meanings. For instance, the word “head” can be used to describe the object on the top of the body, that on top of a glass of beer, or the chief of a department of a company.

First, I will explain the importance of the treatment to homonymy and polysemy in translation from Sociosemiotic theories. The study of meaning plays an essential role in the school of Sociosemiotics. Meaning is defined from the angle of the relationship between the sign and something out it, in other words, the attribute of the sign or the symbol. Moreover, the relationship is classified into that between signs and entities, between signs and users, and between signs themselves, giving rise to three kinds of meanings: referential meaning, pragmatic meaning and intralingual meaning. Referential meaning serves as the foundation of translation. Without correct identification of referential meaning, translation will either be built on sand or turn into the castle in the air. The school of Sociosemiotics attaches great importance to the realization of meaning potentials. The correct reference is a must for this process of realization. Almost every noun has its referential meaning, but as a special group of nouns, homonymy and polysemy pose special difficulty in finding out their referential meanings. As explained at the beginning, homonymy and polysemy both have a number of meanings, related or unrelated. Therefore in translation, the translator is faced with the immediate problem of identifying the correct reference within the context. In other words, he has to carry out the job of disambiguation. This is the same in computer translation.

Sadly, important as the problem may be, it seems to be overlooked. The testing guideline for machine translation, detailed enough to include a classification of the plural forms of nouns, excludes the test of polysemy and homonymy. It is of great importance for us to examine how computers deal with this problem, no matter how difficult it may prove to be.

In order to have a clear idea of the difficulty of computer in handling this problem, we need to first look into the process of how human beings resolve this problem. Human beings can clear away this kind of ambiguity by resorting to his cognitive abilities. Theoretically, the process of disambiguation goes through the following three steps. I will take “bank” as an example to illustrate how the hearer can clarify the ambiguity due to its feature of homonymy. Suppose two friends run into each other near a river. One says, “the bank is beautiful.” How does the hearer interpret the reference of “bank”? First, he resorts to the physical surrounding and the reference of riverbank immediately comes to mind. In this way, the ambiguity is removed. Suppose two friends are in a dormitory chatting. One says, “the bank is beautiful.” How can the hearer interpret this word without any hint from physical surrounding? In this case, he has to trace this word back to his working memory, and then it occurs to his that they met each other on the riverbank the day before. Therefore, he realizes that the speaker must be referring to the place they met. Work