The fact that employees get paid, like a base salary, doesn't motivate them to work hard, it just keeps them from feeling dissatisfied, not satisfied, and that's the health factor. A bonus or extra reward, a promotion, or something like that will make them feel satisfied, something called a motivator. Based on my personal experience, when I was working in a restaurant, my supervisor asked me to do a job that didn't belong to me, which I naturally didn't want to do. After my supervisor promised me to buy me food, I made efforts to do that because of this incentive factor. If I only got my original salary, I would not do it or do it with a negative attitude. In today's society, no matter at the bottom or top management, what they desire is nothing but benefits, and the extra rewards are the most motivating.
Of course, people don't just view actual benefits as incentives. According to maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, human needs are divided into five categories, and the five categories of needs are divided into five categories, which are graded step by step. They are physiological needs, safety needs, emotional needs and belonging needs, respect needs and self-realization needs. That is to say, after employees get the basic salary, extra bonus and so on, what they finally need is the need of self-realization. Therefore, managers should also meet the needs of employees. For example, they should pay special recognition to employees' contributions at the company conference. If the employee is promoted to a position that suits his or her abilities, he or she can fulfill the need for self-fulfillment.
To sum up, by correctly motivating the behavior of people in management activities, people can better carry out