
吉林加一土产有限公司人参产品营销策略研究The Study of Ginseng Products’ Marketing Strategy for Jilin Plusone Native Ltd.

日期:2018年01月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1114
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708091011465190 论文字数:12431 所属栏目:帮写dissertation论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
Abstract 摘要



This research is to give an analysis of marketing strategy in Jilin Plusone Ltd, which is a group company specializing in providing ginseng products in China. Marketing strategy is among the hot and significant discussions of management both in academy and practice. On the side of theoretical foundation, this research reviews the theories of corporate strategy and its analytical methods on the one side. On the other side, marketing strategy is an important part of corporate strategy. The study illustrates several relevant marketing models, in order to lay the foundation of analysis the case. 
Jilin Plusone Ltd is the company in the case. The main products of the company are ginseng products, which are one of the traditional foods and medicines in China and other Asian countries. The characteristics of the products become both the advantages and disadvantages of the marketing. By evaluating the external environment and internal factors, the study gives suggestions about the market plan and strategy.
The findings in this study indicate that the marketing strategy should stick to the feature of products and customer behaviors. Ginseng products, in this case, are distinguished from other products. Ginseng products have geological features and the customers remain the traditional attitude towards the ginsengs products. As a result, the analysis of the marketing strategy by case study is critical and significant. 
Table of contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Chapter 2 Aim and objectives 3
Chapter 3 Literature review 4
3.1 Corporate strategy 4
3.1.1 Strategic position 5
3.1.2 Strategic choice 8
3.1.3 Strategy in action 9
3.2 Marketing strategy 9
3.2.1 Marketing orientation and evolution 9
3.2.2 Using SWOT analysis to develop a marketing strategy 10
3.2.3 Customer orientation 11
3.2.4 Diversity marketing 14
3.3 Summary of the review 14
Chapter 4 Methodology 27
4.1 Case study method 27
4.2 Introduction of Jilin Plusone Ltd 30
Chapter 5 Marketing strategy analysis 31
5.1 Marketing strategy in Jilin Plusone Ltd 31
5.2 Analysis of marketing environment 34
5.2.1 External environment 34
5.2.2 Analysis models 34
5.3 Design and implementation of marketing strategy 38
5.3.1 Consumer behavior analysis 38
5.3.2 Marketing segments 39
5.3.3 Marketing mix 40
5.3.4 Summary on marketing strategy in Jilin Plusone 41
Chapter 6 Conclusions and suggestions 42
Reference 43

Chapter 1 Introduction 介绍

The application of the marketing strategies does have impacts on the business operation. In order to illustrate the application of marketing strategy, it is feasible and necessary to explain the application by case. Jilin Pusone Ltd, an Asian company in Ginseng products industry, is a typical case to interpret the application of marketing strategy. 
Research questions and framework
This dissertation starts with building research objectives. Based on defining the research questions, this paper collects relevant researches and studies. These two parts lay the theoretical foundation for this study. The dissertation tries to solve problems by case study, which is the application of marketing strategy analysis. At last, the study gives the results and draws the conclusion. 

Chapter 6 Conclusions and suggestions 总结和建议

As is analyzed above, the Jilin Plusone Ltd should make some changes about the marketing strategy in line with the environmental changes. Based on the analytical methods above, the conclusion can be drawn in several aspects.
Firstly, market segments should be taken into account in Jilin Plusone marketing strategy. There are a variety of competitors in the industry, and the brand image is obscure for customers. Ji