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日期:2018年08月21日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1474
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201607231727235102 论文字数:2979 所属栏目:Case Study范文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:案例 Cae Study

1.0 Introduction介绍

大众传播是指通过发送报纸,杂志,书籍,电影,广播,电视,互联网,社交媒体和其他通讯工具的信息给公众的过程。大众传播对维持社会(卫,2008年)的稳定与和谐的有着积极作用。许多学者研究了大众传播过程中信息传播的规律和特点,并提出了许多理论,其中沉默螺旋理论一直是相关学者最为关注的问题。沉默螺旋理论认为,通常情况下一个社会团体或一个社会可能会因为成员的意见而孤立、忽视或排斥成员,因为害怕被孤立,个人不愿意公开表达自己的意见,如果他们的意见有可能的话,那么就会陷入困境(Noelle-Neumann,1974)。在现代社会媒体已成为人们日常生活中重要的信息传播工具和渠道(Chung,Lee and Han,2015),而社交媒体极大地改变了人们的交流方式,社交媒体对这一过程产生了很大的影响和影响。 ,法律和传统意义上的大众传播的影响(Zhang,2015; Ott和Theunissen,2015)。本文将以沉默螺旋理论为基础,探讨社交媒体时代大众传播的特点。Mass communication refers to the process of transmitting information through newspapers, magazines, books, movies, radio, television, Internet, social media and other communication tools to the public. Mass communication plays a positive role in the maintenance of stability and harmony of a society (Wei, 2008). Many scholars have studied the laws and characteristics of information dissemination in the process of mass communication and put forward many theories, of which spiral of silence theory has been paid the most attention by relevant academics. Spiral of silence theory states, in general, a social group or a society may isolate, neglect, or exclude members due to the members' opinions, for fear of isolation, individuals are not willing to publicly express their opinions, they are more possible to go down the spiral if their opinion does not correspond with the perceived majority opinion (Noelle-Neumann, 1974). In modern times, social media has become a crucial information dissemination tool and channel in people's daily life (Chung, Lee and Han, 2015), while social media has dramatically changed people’s ways of communication, social media has great influence and impact on the process, law and the effect of mass communication in a traditional sense (Zhang, 2015; Ott and Theunissen, 2015). This dissertation will be based on the spiral of silence theory to discuss the features of mass communication in social media era.

2.0 Key research questions

The author aims to prove through empirical studies that whether there is the spiral of silence theory in the process of mass communication, if there is, does the effect of the spiral of silence theory become smaller or larger? Compared with the past, what is the different performance of the effects of spiral of silence theory in social media era, how to deal with and solve the negative effects brought by spiral of silence theory in social media era?

3.0 Background to the dissertation and its significance

4.0 Theoretical framework
5.0 Research plan, methods and techniques
6.0 Research timetable
7.0 Ethical issues

8.0 Conclusion总结

This author hopes to prove through empirical studies that whether there is the spiral of silence theory in the process of mass communication in social media era, if there is, does the effect of the spiral of silence theory become smaller or larger? In social media era, relations between people are more close, the mode of communication of media is no longer a one-way but a two-way, the author believes that in this environment, people are more vulnerable to the impact of climate of opinion. In this context, the influence of spiral of silence theory on mass communication may be different from those in the past, the study on the difference will be a worthy topic o this dissertation. The author hopes that this research will provide a reference for the government and relevant departments on how to create a good environment for mass communication in social media era, so this study may also be related to researches on public opinion management, direction of public opinion, news blackout and so on.


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