But in handset market geographic segmentation do not have that much influence except in rural area. In india we uses 1800 and 900 gsm band.
It depends on age, gender, family size, family life cycle, education, income, occupation, socioeconomic status, religion, nationality/race (ethnic marketing), language. Each variety of this segmentation. samsung for that in India has come up with some phones with Indian language being used. Smartphone for all income group and for executive class to trendy phones for youth
It depends on personality, life style, value, attitude. today cell phone has became more or less a status symbol rather than a communication device that's why samsung has tried to portrait it image as trendy , high on technology , high on style and design for different kind of people with different model
It depends on occasions, benefits, user status, usage rate, buyer-readiness stage, loyalty status. phone with dual sim are available. It can come up with some special edition phone for occasions in India like marriage, two phones with some exclusive communication technology.