

日期:2018年01月27日 编辑:ad201708310846561631 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2504
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201412112125122820 论文字数:2272 所属栏目:城市社会学论文
论文地区:加拿大 论文语种:English 论文用途:心得体会 comments
we encounter more on their cultural background than to assume it so as to avoid the risk of insulting them; thereby we avoid ruining the chance of a fruitful relationship forming.

When we compare Dresser s accounts and illustrations of Mexican culture against other culture as a whole, we note large distinctions emerging between the two. In South-East Asia many people do not touch their heads as they believe that this would in someway harm them. However, according to American behavior the common practice is to pat their children s head as a show of affection.

As a further illustration, Dresser notes that body contact in general is a common taboo amongst most Asian cultures. While in American, pecks on the cheek may be the norm, it certain cultures particularly the Vietnamese and the Chinese it is punishable. Often due to such social-cultural blunders the non-American people often react with shock. She also notes that while in America public body contact may be allowed in certain other culture, such as in Japan, public body contact is frowned upon. Using the analogy of an author who writes books on such issues, she illustrates a situation in which the writer is ignored by the Japanese visitors. The Japanese visitors find the book vulgar and offensive because the title of her book depicted such behavior. She mentions that in Japanese culture, touching a member of the opposite sex was repulsive to them. In general Asian countries frown upon Americans who depict such behavior in their countries. To them it depicts a woman as easy .

She further illustrates that while in Japan it is very common for men and women of the same sex to hold hands in public as a sign of friendship, in American culture it is a sign of homosexuality and is greeted with shock.

Dresser also notes that gestures though taken to have a universal meaning to most people may not have the same universal meaning to other cultures. In fact it may have completely different meanings. Using the conventional thumbs up sign which according to American culture shows approval or doing well, in some cultures, it has a sexual connotation. People from Asian countries view pointing to someone with the index finger as rude. However, in American culture it is completely acceptable. Furthermore, in Asian countries the American bye bye gesture calls for people to come closer. This though may apply to only a few cultures should not men that one should not consider the weight of such a gesture. Thus in order to ensure harmonious communication, one should take particular care of the weight of gestures in the cultures in question.

Across American culture people view lack of eye contact as disrespectful or devious. They react with anger and suspicion to those who avoid eye contact. However, across some cultures avoiding eye contact shows respect towards authority figures e.g. Mexican and Asian cultures. When comparison is made between white American and African American ways of communication, a sparked contrast is observed. The African American custom is to look at the audience intently while speaking and to look away when listening. In the white American customs