

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1509
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201202031327225379 论文字数:26833 所属栏目:初中教育论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

论文摘要:英语作为一种用来交际的工具,己受到越来越多的人的重视。但是长期以来,在英语教学中,强调得最多,也是让许多人为之而苦恼的是如何用英语去交际?在现今的基础教育中,通常都是要求“四会”, 即听、说、读、写,然而,在教学实践中,听说能力的重要性并没有得到应有的重视。改革开放以来,随着对外交流的进一步扩大,对外语人才的需求也越来越大。许多学了十几年英语的高才生走出校门后却发现,自己学的英语竟然无法与别人面对面的交流,也就是在听说方面存在着很大的欠缺。这就要求广大的英语教师在教会学生知识的同时,还要使他们学会如何用英语表达自己的观点,与别人自由对话、交流。然而,这个能力的培养需要一个很长的过程,绝不仅仅是一个“四会”便可达到的。初中是学习英语的起始阶段,也是学生能否养成积极的听说习惯和提高听说能力的最重要阶段。目前国内外的许多学者和一线教师对此方面的研究也很多,但大多数都是以大学或高中学生作为研究对象,对初中生,尤其是中国的农村初中生如何提高听说能力的研究甚少。


关键词:初中生 听说能力 提高 语言运用


English as a conlmunicative tool has been paid attention by more and more people.But for a long time, what has puzzled most people 15 how to communicate .Listening, speaking ,reading and writing are considered the four skills in the fundamental English teaching . But in the realistic teaching process, the importance of listening and speaking are not recognized .Nowadays , more and more students who have high grades in English find it difficult to communicate face to face with others after they greduate . Why ? That means a great lack of practice in listening and speaking .When English teachers teach language knowledge to the students , they should also make the students learn to communicate with others freely and express their own ideas and thoughts . However ,it needs a rather long time to develop this ability . The period of the students in junior high school is the starting stage to learn English , so it is the most important stage for them to develop a good habit to be actively involved into listening and speaking activities . So far, a number of teachers and experts have done lots of researches on this aspect, but most of them take college students and senior high school students as subjects . We can hardly find out any of them conceming how to improve the listening and speaking abilities of the junior high school students in China.
    The author , being a student who studyed and researchered for a long time , tries to seek for a series of teaching methods suitable for junior high school students to improve listening and speaking abilities . During this process, the author has consulted a huge amount of works on linguistics, pedagogy and English teaching methodology and so on and studied carefully the present situation of the listening and speaking abilities of the junior high school studenis with interviews and a questionnaire.After an analysis about the data colleted , the author draws a conclusion that English teacher should integrate listening and speaking activities in daily teaching practice and promote the students ' reading and writing abilities on this basis , and lay a foundation for their lifelong leaming .


KEYWORD:junior high students   listening and speaking abilities
  improvement   use of language

目 录
论文摘要 3
绪 论 6
一、问题的提出 9
(一)研究的背景 9
1、新课程实施与学生英语口语能力发展 9
2、个案所在区对学生英语口语能力的评价机制 11
3、个案的实际情况 11
(二)研究的意义 12
1、 理论意义 12
2、实践意义 12
(三)研究思路和方法 14
二、文献综述 16
(一)关于英语口语的理论研究 16
1、听说教学法 16
2、认知理论 17
(二)关于影响学生英语口语能力发展因素的研究 18
1、社会观念的影响 18
2、教学观念的影响 18
3、环境因素的影响 19
(三)关于学生英语口语能力发展的研究 19
(四)关于农村初中英语听说教学的研究现状 20
(五)关于农村薄弱初中的研究现状 21
三、W市H区农村薄弱中学学生英语口语能力的现状 23
(一)W市H区农村薄弱中学英语口语教学现状 23
(二)W市H区农村薄弱中学学生口语能力的现状 24
四、基于Z校的学生英语口语能力发展对策 28
(一)提高教师的职业素质 28
1、教师的职业能力和职业素质 28
2、教师的职业道德 29
3、教师的个人风格 30
(二)开展课堂教学活动提高学生的英语听说能力 30
1、合作学习 30
2、探究式学习 34
3、处理好应试教育与听说能力培养的关系 36
五、本研究的不足 38
参考文献 39


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