

日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1632
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201005020747266571 论文字数:31696 所属栏目:市场营销论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:MBA 毕业论文 MBA Thesis




Study on Channel Management Model of Aokang Group: the Perspective of Dynamic Evolution


With continuously proceeding steps, Chinese shoemaking industry has demonstrated its important position in the world. In the last twenty years, Aokang has opened more than 5000 franchised stores, and occupied the first place in the Chinese shoemaking industry with a market share of more than 30%. The article analyzes and summarizes dynamics evolutions of Aokang’s Channel Management Model, and puts much attention on franchisor management model in this process. The results show that (1) One of key factors of Aokang’s successful business extension is its correct channel model; (2) Characteristics of Aokang’s channel strategy are environment- and demand-changeable; (3) Franchising is critical in Aokang’s channel strategy based on traditional franchising experiences, which starts unique EMS franchising channel model, especially builds relationships with distributors; (4) The decisive strategic thinking is whether Aokang is able to boom up relies on its channels, especially in a diversified channel environment of internationalism and internet-base. These studies have strong practical implications to developments of Aokang’s channel management, of Aokang Group, and of the same industry and other industries in the future.
Key words:Aokang Group; Channel Management; Channel Evolution; Franchise Chain


第1章  绪论 1
1.1  研究背景 1
1.2  选题目的及意义 2
1.3  研究内容与方法 3
1.4  论文结构 v本毕业论文由无忧论文网www.51lunwen.org整理提供 4
第2章  理论综述 5
2.1  渠道的界定及其作用 5
2.2  重要渠道理论 5
2.2.1  渠道结构理论 5
2.2.2  渠道行为与关系理论 8
2.3  特许经营研究 11
2.3.1  特许经营的定义 11
2.3.2  特许经营的特征 12
2.3.3  特许经营优缺点分析 13
第3章  奥康集团 15
3.1  鞋业行业概述 15
3.2  奥康集团概况 17
3.3  奥康集团的发展 20
第4章  奥康集团渠道动态演变分析 23
4.1  奥康集团渠道形式的演变 23
4.2  奥康集团渠道的演变:效应视角 25
4.3  奥康集团渠道的演变:分化视角 26
4.4  奥康集团渠道演变的驱动力分析 29
4.4.1  战略重心 30
4.4.2  核心环节 32
4.5  奥康渠道的演变总结 33
第5章  结论与讨论 35
5.1  结论 35
5.2  研究不足与未来研究方向 36
参考文献 38
致谢 40