
产权式商铺导致的社会稳定风险防控研究 ——从万豪国际案例谈起

日期:2019年02月18日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:论文网 点击次数:1952
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201902181309157652 论文字数:36129 所属栏目:MPACC论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:在职硕士毕业论文 On-the-job master's thesis
In recent years, at the same time of continuous hot real estate market in China, due to the planning and design, construction, business operation and after-sales management has certain problem, the real estate industry also appeared some contradictions, some even triggered a fierce disputes and conflicts.In this context, Wanhao international project in Jinan as an example, this paper mainly studies the property type of problems existing in the shop's operations, and analyze the causes of social instability events mechanism, so as to put forward effective countermeasures and Suggestions of preventing the social stability risks, for the government and related public decision-making and the development enterprise crisis management to provide reference and reference.
This paper puts forward the research background, research significance, research status, research methods, on the basis of the concept of property type shops gave a definition of the basic theory of social stability risk prevention and control are analyzed. On Wanhao international project issued by the social stability, has made the analysis, analyzes the evolution process of events, and the reflective discussion. This paper mainly analyzes the property type shops social stability risk prevention and control of the main problems, mainly from the risk identification, risk evaluation, risk control and risk security aspects analyzes the deep-seated problems. Finally, in-depth analysis of the property type shops social stability risk prevention and control countermeasures and Suggestions, put forward to establish the social stability in the field of risk identification, risk evaluation, risk control system, at the same time, from the information disclosure, build atmosphere, strengthen the propaganda and guidance, etc., completes the safeguard measures.
Main innovation point of this article is: Analysis of new objects, mainly aiming at the problem of social stability risk caused by property type shops are analyzed, the property type shops is a new thing, the less research results at home and abroad; a new viewpoint, especially the social stability risk control countermeasures caused by property type shops, with the help of the fault tree and project management thinking. Analysis of risk problem; put forward new measures, mainly from the perspective of local government, put forward the corresponding risk identification, risk evaluation and risk control measures.
Keywords:Social Stability; the Risk Prevention and Control; Property Type Shops
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究现状 2
1.3.1 国外研究现状 2
1.3.2 国内研究现状 4
1.4 研究方法 6
1.5 研究框架及创新点 6
1.5.1 研究框架 6
1.5.2 本文创新点 7
第2章 基础理论分析 8
2.1 相关概念界定 8
2.1.1 产权式商铺概念 8
2.1.2 社会稳定风险概念 9
2.2 风险管理理论 9
2.2.1 风险要素识别与筛选 10
2.2.2 风险评估 12
2.2.3 风险控制 13
2.3 影响社会稳定的风险防控理论 14
2.3.1 社会稳定风险特点 14
2.3.2 社会稳定风险成因 15
2.3.3 社会稳定风险管控 16
第3章 万豪国际项目引发社会稳定事件的剖析 17
3.1 事件背景 17
3.2 事态的发展与控制 17
3.2.1 初步发展阶段 18
3.2.2 集中爆发阶段 18
3.2.3 事情解决阶段 19
3.3 万豪国际项目引发的社会稳定风险问题分析 19
3.3.1 立项审批不严 20
3.3.2 建设监管不力 20
3.3.3 项目验收不细 20
3.3.4 后续处置不当 21
3.4 问题引发的深层次反思 21
第4章 产权式商铺社会稳定风险防控存在的问题 22
4.1 产权式商铺社会稳定风险防控方面的总体现状 22
4.2 产权式商铺社会稳定风险防控存在的突出问题 23
4.2.1 风险要素识别不准确 23
4.2.2 风险评价不科学 24
4.2.3 风险防控措施不力 24
4.2.4 风险防控保障措施不完善 25
第5章 产权式商铺社会稳定风险防控的对策建议 28
5.1 社会稳定风险识别系统 28
5.1.1 加强社会稳定信息的搜集 28
5.1.2 强化社会稳定信息的筛选 29
5.1.3 提前作出科学预测分析 30
5.2 社会稳定风险评价系统 30