

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2361
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201608260943575829 论文字数:34688 所属栏目:MPACC论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:在职硕士毕业论文 On-the-job master's thesis


Either now or in the future, the management of cash flow and financial flexibility to ensure that enterprises are an important factor in liquidity, and it’s the key content of financial management. For a company's operation, cash is indispensable. The key for successfully developed modern enterprises is to pay attention to the cash flow situation, smooth business situation determined by abundant cash greatly. In order to ensure the smooth operation of the enterprise continues, more and more enterprises abandoned the one-sided view of profits, and began to focus on cash flow management. Having good cash flow can enable enterprises to normal pay, turnover, investment, make investors get rewarded, make the debtor pay the debt in a timely manner. Good cash flow can help business owners choose the best business plan, that will help the long-term healthy development of enterprises. The significance of cash flow management research is to ensure that companies have the cash needed for normal business activities, in addition, we should  utilize idle funds appropriately to invest in the relative balance of risks and benefits, based on the play cash The maximum effect, revenue for the enterprise. At the same time, when there is a shortage of cash, companies can quickly raise funds to provide strong support for continuing operations at the lowest cost.
This article identifies the essential meaning of the concept of cash flow and the significance and implications for businesses and cash flow management by summarizing relevant research results at home and abroad. Then takes LD as the object of the research, summarizes the status of the company's cash flow management to find out the cause of problems and analyze the problems, finally raises corresponding improvement measures.
Keywords: cash flow management; financial management; improvements
目  录
中文摘要 1
1导论 7
1.1研究背景与研究意义 7
1.1.1选题背景 7
1.1.2研究意义 9
1.2国内外研究现状 11
1.2.1国外研究现状 11
1.2.2国内研究现状 12
1.2.3研究述评 16
1.3研究的内容与思路 16
1.3.1研究内容 16
1.3.2研究思路 16
1.4 研究的方法与创新 17
1.4.1研究方法 17
1.4.2创新点 18
2相关概念及研究的理论基础 19
2.1企业现金流的概念与意义 19
2.1.1现金流的概念 19
2.1.2现金流对企业的意义 19
2.2企业现金流管理的概念与意义 20
2.2.1企业现金流管理的概念 20
2.2.2企业现金流管理的意义 20
2.3现金流管理的相关理论 21
2.3.1现金流管理的目标 21
2.3.2现金流管理的原则 22
2.3.3现金流管理的假设 22
2.3.4自由现金流理论 23
2.3.5战略性现金流理论 24
3 LD公司现金流管理的问题分析 29
3.1 LD公司概况及行业分析 29
3.1.1 LD公司概况 29
3.1.2行业分析 29
3.2 LD公司现金流管理现状 30
3.2.1 LD公司现金流整体状况 30
3.2.2 LD公司现金流的比率 32
3.2.3 LD公司现金流量结构 33
3.2.4 LD公司所属行业对比 37
3.3 LD公司现金流管理存在的问题 38
3.3.1现金流结构不合理 38
3.3.2公司对现金流的战略管理不力 39
3.3.3现金流管理模式不完善 39
3.3.4盈利能力不强 40
3.4 LD公司现金流管理存在问题的原因 40
3.4.1现金流管理意识薄弱 40
3.4.2现金流管理目标不合理 40
3.4.3管理方法和手段不科学 40
4 LD公司现金流管理的改进措施 42
4.1合理规划企业经营和筹资活动 42
4.1.1建立良好的融资渠道 42
4.1.2进一步拓宽融资渠道 43
4.1.3遵循可持续发展的战略 44
4.1.4注重现金的流动性 44
4.1.5建立企业风险储备基金 44
4.2重视现金流的战略管理 45
4.3完善现金流管理的模式 45
4.4加强对现金流预算的重视 46
4.4.1要科学控制公司的资金流出量 46
4.4.2将营收作为资金预算的重点 47
4.4.3加强内部财务管理预防资金链断裂 47
4.4.4用严谨全面的管理制度做保障 47
5结论与展望 49
5.1结论 49
5.2展望 49
参考文献 50
致  谢 52

