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产业关系对企业的贡献MBA Essay

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1244
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201701061036338692 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:MBA Essay
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:MBA 课程论文 MBA Essay
fort to increase productivity. It gives satisfaction to the employee when their effort is equally compensated. Besides that, employer needs to realize and share equally the profits of industry generously with employees to maintain good industrial relations.

Employee will get proper training from their employer so they could get opportunities to go higher in their career because good industrial relations leads to good communication. If the communication between employer and employee are smooth, all the needs and requirement are voice out to the employers. That way, employer will know what is their employee are lacking. This is one of the ways to evaluate employees’ performance other than using performance appraisal. Besides, employee will understand more about their rights in an organization so that the management will not easily suppressed them. This promotes a excellent work ethics to all employees to be honest and hardworking. With good working environment, and good employer-employee relations, it improves the morale of the workers.


The concept of industrial relations means the relationship between employees and management in the day-to-day working of an industry. But the concept has a wide meaning. When taken in the wide sense, industrial relations are a “set of functional independence involving historical, economic, social, psychological, demographic, technological, occupational, political and legal variable”.

Industrial relations have been extended to denote the relations of the state with employers, workers, and their organizations. The subject therefore includes industrial relations and joint consultations between employer and work people at their work place, collective relation between employer and their organization and trade union. There are the contributions of industrial relation to the organization

Firstly, the contribution of industrial to the organization is to protect their worker’ economic interest. Worker and their organization, the total worker plays an important role in industrial relation. The total worker includes working age, education background, family background, psychological factors, social background, culture skills, and attitude towards other worker. Worker organization prominently known as trade union play their role more prominently in trade union. The main purpose of trade union is to protect their worker’ economic interest through collective the bargaining and by bringing pressure on management through economic and political tactics. Trade union factor include leadership, finance and activities

Besides that, contribution of industry to the organization is to protect the interest of employer. Employers’ and their organization, employer is a crucial factors in industrial relations. Employees the worker, pay the wages and various allowances, regulates the working relation through various rules, regulation and by enforcing labour laws. Employees expect the worker to follow the rules, regulations and laws. He further expects them to contribute their resources to the maximum. The different between the demands of worker and employer results in industrial conflict. Normally employers have higher bargaining power than worker. But their bargaining power is undermined when compared that to trade unions. Employer from their organization to equate their bargaining power with that or trade unions. These organisations protect the interest of the employer by pressuring the trade unions and government.

The contribution of industrial relations t