
企业资源计划(ERP)——基于 中国国际商贸企业实施研究

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3868
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201011082127562606 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:ERP论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P class=cf60>关键词:企业流程在造,企业资源计划,国际商贸</P><STRONG>[中文摘要]</STRONG>     本文从信息技术发展给企业经营管理带来的影响出发,阐述企业流程再造(BPR)是现代企业改善经营管理的必要手段,并说明企业流程再造与实施企业资源计划(ERP)的关系。通过介绍ERP的管理思想、理念、方法和软件特点,辅以中国国际商贸企业实施ERP案例分析,解决了中国企业如何实施ERP的问题。文章的目的在于提高对ERP的认识、解决如何实施ERP及实施后的应用问题,对中国国际商贸企业乃至实施ERP的其它行业的中国企业提升管理水平有现实指导意义。<BR>    文章的结构安排如下:从信息技术发展的现状出发,分析在信息化时代的现代企业与工业化时代的大型工业生产企业在经营管理流程上有重大不同,信息化改变人们生产、生活及思维方式,从而推导出信息化时代企业流程再造的必要性。全面介绍作为企业流程再造的信息技术解决方案的企业资源计划的发展历程、主要特点和引用现状,通过两家中国国际商贸企业实施ERP的案例,说明中国国际商贸企业实施ERP的必要性、及如何实施ERP。结合文章案例及中国企业实施ERP现状,提出正确认识ERP是实施ERP成功的关键,如果对ERP没有正确认识,实施ERP失败和达不到预期目标的可能性非常大。企业在实施ERP时,必须考虑企业信息化战略和信息化基础、搞好企业流程重组工作、通过培训更新人员的观念、选择与企业经营管理发展相匹配的软件和管理资金的支持。在具体实施ERP项目时进行需求分析、制定实施方案、成立项目实施小组、进行企业流程再造和实施过程培训、整理基础数据和系统试运行等是必要的步骤。要避免实施项目失败就要纠正对ERP认识上的偏差、提高项目实施小组的协调能力、加强培训、选择与企业经营管理相匹配的软件并重视基础数据。ERP实施后的应用中也会存在诸如实施效果与预期差异、统一数据标准、系统数据利用及人才队伍建设等问题,文章对这些问题进行分析后提出了相应的解决方案。<BR>    市场瞬息万变,优胜劣汰是市场经济规则。任何企业不论历史与往绩,如果不能应对变革的挑战,采取先进的管理理念和方法就不能取得市场竞争优势,因此,企业经营模式的创新和管理要求的提升永不止步。大型企业集团在集成软件使用方面要彻底更换新的软件难度大,因此,实施ERP系统后,ERP系统可能会成为企业共同成长的永久性项目,ERP也将伴随企业经营和管理创新不断发展。<BR>    本文采用介绍理论、进行案例研究和案例总结的演绎推理方法,完整系统介绍了ERP理论知识,分享中国国际商贸企业实施ERP的成功经验,通过案例分析提出并解决企业在实施ERP中普遍存在的问题:如何成功地贯彻运用ERP管理理念和思想?如何成功实施ERP项目及项目实施成功后的应用问题及相应对策,对实施及应用中的难点及成败的关键因素做了针对性的阐述,为中国企业实施和应用ERP提供了方向指南,指导中国现代企业提升管理水平。 <B>[英文摘要]</B>:     The article starts with the impact brought by the development of information technology on the enterprise business management. It states that Business Process Reengineering (BPR) is the necessary approach to improve business management for modern enterprises, and explains the relationship between BPR and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). The article solves the problems of how to implement ERP as well as the practical application issues after the implementation by introducing the management concept, methods and the characteristics of the software. In addition, case study on implementation of ERP is added in the article. The work aims to improve cognition of ERP and figure out how to carry ERP into action as well as the application issues after the implementation. Thus, it guides Chinese International Commercial and Trade Enterprises and any Chinese enterprises in other industries which carry ERP out to enhance their management level in reality. <BR>    The structure of the article is as follows: beginning with the current situation of the development of information technology, the article analyzes the tremendous differences on the business management flow between the modern corporations in information age and the big industrial production corporations in industrialization age. Information has changed the way people produce, live and think, so that it’s necessary to reconstruct the enterprise flow in information age. The work comprehensively introduces the development, main traits and application situation of ERP as the IT solution of BPR. It explains the necessity of implementing ERP in Chinese international trade companies and how to carry out ERP by studying two Chinese international trade companies’ implementation case. Taking the case studies and the current situation of implementing ERP in Chinese corporation, the work puts forward that correctly understand ERP is the crucial factor of successfully implementing ERP. If there’s wrong understanding on ERP, the chances of failure or failing to reach the expecting goal would be very high when implementing it. When the corporation implements ERP, they should consider corporative information strategy as well as information basis and carry out BPR. They shall choose the software which match with the corporative management development and have a strong support from management capital. In addition, they shall renew staffs’ concept by training. When implementing ERP project, enterprise should analyze the demand, make implementing plan, set up project implem