
企业资源计划(ERP)——基于 中国国际商贸企业实施研究

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3868
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201011082127562606 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:ERP论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
enting team, carry on BPR and go ahead training, work on the Standard Data and experiment on the system. In order to avoid the failure while implementing the project, we should correct the understanding of ERP, improve the coordinating ability of the project implementing team, enhance training and choose related software, as well as pay attention to the Standard Data. Since there will be differences on the real effect and expecting results, systematic data utility and talents built-up etc, the article comes up with relevant schemes after analyzing all the problems. <BR>    The market changes dramatically all the time. Survival from the fittest is the rule of market economy. No company can gain competitive advantage in the market if it cannot adapt to the challenge of the reform and adopt advanced management concept and methods. Therefore, the innovation of enterprise management model and the improvement of the management require never can be stopped. Since it’s difficult to renew the software thoroughly in integrated software usage for good-sized corporative groups, thus, ERP system could become the permanent project which grows with the enterprise after implementing ERP system. Furthermore, ERP will improve continuously accompanying with the innovation of corporation management. <BR>    The work introduces the ERP theory systematically and completely by adopting the deductive methods of explaining the theory, researching on the practical cases and summarizing the cases in reality. It shares the successful experience of implementing ERP within Chinese international commercial and trade enterprises. What’s more, it comes up with the common questions which corporations confront while carrying out ERP and finally solves the problems like: how to successfully use ERP management concept and ideology? How to implement ERP project successfully? The application issues and related plans after the successful implementation should be taken into consideration. The work especially expatiates on the difficulties in implementation and application as well as the key factors in relation to the success or failure in the project. It guides Chinese corporations how to implement and apply to ERP, also directs Chinese modern enterprises to improve management level. <B>[参考文献]</B>:     中文部分<BR>    [1] 陈俊良、黎连业.计算机网络系统集成与方案实例[M].机械工业出版社。<BR>    [2] 罗鸿、王忠民.ERP 原理 设计 实施(第二版)[M] 。<BR>    [3] 吕祥、周国华、姚建明.ERP实施中的过程再造与案例分析[J].管理科学与研究,2005年第7期。<BR>    [4] 李力.企业ERP实施的成熟度研究[D].武汉理工大学, 2007 。<BR>    [5] 黎雷微.ERP在我国企业的应用研究[D].华中师范大学, 2