[摘要] 建国以来我国关于轿车企业的投资可分为4个阶段;迈入 21 世纪 ,高速增长、 健康发展的中国经济 ,既为中国轿车企业带来良好的机遇 ,更提出了严峻挑战。目前我国轿车企业投资环境 ,总体而言对轿车企业投资有利 ,但轿车企业应致力于形成比较优势 ,力争打造国内联合舰队 ,同时做好退出相关准备。Abstract :The history of automobile industry in China after founding of the People’ s Republic of China can be divided into 4 stages. Now it is 21 century , China’ s economic situation is growing rapidly and developing healthily , which brings profound opportunities and gives a severe challenge to our country’ s automobile
industry. Analyzing investment environment of automobile enterprise , we find that it’ s helpful to the enterprises. S o the automobile enterprise must do their best to form comparable advantage , constitute enterprise alliance of China and prepare to exit .
一、 我国轿车企业投资的发展阶段
3.大量外资唱主角 ,民营资本涌入期
3.打造内资 “联合舰队”
[ 参 考 文 献 ]
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