Bandura has improved the theory of self-efficacy with the publication of SocialFoundations of Thought and Action in 1986 which defines self-efficacy as “people’sjudgment of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action.”
Adding to the definition of self-efficacy by Bandura, some scholars have putforward new explanations based on their own researches. One of the most famousdefinitions is the one given by Stakovich and Rosens in 1998: “Self-efficacy refers toan individual's exact belief or self-confidence in his own ability which enables oneselfto mobilize necessary cognitive factors and a series of responding actions in order tosuccessfully accomplish a particular task in a certain context (Stakovich and Rosens,1998).” This definition is more extensive practical.
2.2 Definition of English Learning Self-efficacy
Self-efficacy is commonly counted as domain-specific. In Bandura’ opinion, theabilities and skills that we need in different fields are considered to be different. Thus,individual self-efficacy is believed to be different correspondingly. For example,researchers Zhang Dingkun, Fang liluo and Ling Wenxuan defined self-efficacy asindividual belief to achieve goals in specific situation (Zhang Dingkun, Fang liluo andLing Wenxuan, 1999). What’s more, in 2006, in Perceived Academic self-efficacy: Is ItGeneral or Domain-specific?, Bian Yufang pointed out that self-efficacy is“task-specific”, “domain specific” and “problem specific”. That is to say, only bystudying self-efficacy in specific area can self-efficacy be investigated and improved.
Educational psychologists have done so many researches on self-efficacy in theeducational setting which is called perceived academic self-efficacy. Bandura andSchenck (1989) defined perceived academic self-efficacy as “students' ability to judge the process of self-formation and implementation of actions to achieve establishedlearning goals.” Perceives academic self-efficacy has effects on individual’s degree oflearning effort, attitude to challenging tasks, the persistence in learning, the applicationof learning strategies , and so on. It is a good "predictor" of learning achievement.
Chapter Three Methodology··························24
3.1 Research Questions·························· 24
3.2 Participants·······················24
Chapter Four Findings and Discussion························ 31
4.1 The Current Situation of English Learning Self-efficacy of Higher-gradeStudents in Primary School·············· 31
4.2 Gender Difference of Primary School Higher-grade Students’ English LearningSelf-efficacy························ 31
Chapter Five Conclusions·····························40
5.1 Major Findings of this Study························ 40
5.2 Pedagogic Implications of this Study························ 42
Chapter FourFindings and Discussion
4.1 The Current Situation of English Learning Self-efficacy ofHigher-grade Students in Primary School
The current situation of English self-efficacy of primary school students in the highgrades are investigated by the English learning self-efficacy questionnaire. The scoreof self-efficacy and the score