

日期:2020年04月19日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1716
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw202004171249171936 论文字数:43325 所属栏目:在职研究生论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:在职研究生论文 On-the-job graduate paper
r of behavior. He further dividedexpectation into two parts: result expectation and performance expectation. Outcomeexpectancy refers to the conjecture that a given behavior can lead to certain outcomes.If the predicted behavior leads to the reinforcement of a result, the behavior may beselected and executed. Efficacy expectation refers to the conviction that one cansuccessfully execute the behavior required to produce the outcome (Bandura, 1977).Bandura claimed that “expectation of personal performance determines whether copingbehavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expanded, and how long it will besustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experience (Bandura, 1977).” That is tosay, if a person assures that he can do something successfully, he will work towards his goal.

Bandura has improved the theory of self-efficacy with the publication of SocialFoundations of Thought and Action in 1986 which defines self-efficacy as “people’sjudgment of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action.”

Adding to the definition of self-efficacy by Bandura, some scholars have putforward new explanations based on their own researches. One of the most famousdefinitions is the one given by Stakovich and Rosens in 1998: “Self-efficacy refers toan individual's exact belief or self-confidence in his own ability which enables oneselfto mobilize necessary cognitive factors and a series of responding actions in order tosuccessfully accomplish a particular task in a certain context (Stakovich and Rosens,1998).” This definition is more extensive practical.


2.2 Definition of English Learning Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is commonly counted as domain-specific. In Bandura’ opinion, theabilities and skills that we need in different fields are considered to be different. Thus,individual self-efficacy is believed to be different correspondingly. For example,researchers Zhang Dingkun, Fang liluo and Ling Wenxuan defined self-efficacy asindividual belief to achieve goals in specific situation (Zhang Dingkun, Fang liluo andLing Wenxuan, 1999). What’s more, in 2006, in Perceived Academic self-efficacy: Is ItGeneral or Domain-specific?, Bian Yufang pointed out that self-efficacy is“task-specific”, “domain specific” and “problem specific”. That is to say, only bystudying self-efficacy in specific area can self-efficacy be investigated and improved.

Educational psychologists have done so many researches on self-efficacy in theeducational setting which is called perceived academic self-efficacy. Bandura andSchenck (1989) defined perceived academic self-efficacy as “students' ability to judge the process of self-formation and implementation of actions to achieve establishedlearning goals.” Perceives academic self-efficacy has effects on individual’s degree oflearning effort, attitude to challenging tasks, the persistence in learning, the applicationof learning strategies , and so on. It is a good "predictor" of learning achievement.

Table 4.2.2 Independent Samples Test


Chapter Three Methodology··························24

3.1 Research Questions·························· 24

3.2 Participants·······················24

Chapter Four Findings and Discussion························ 31

4.1 The Current Situation of English Learning Self-efficacy of Higher-gradeStudents in Primary School·············· 31

4.2 Gender Difference of Primary School Higher-grade Students’ English LearningSelf-efficacy························ 31

Chapter Five Conclusions·····························40

5.1 Major Findings of this Study························ 40

5.2 Pedagogic Implications of this Study························ 42

Chapter FourFindings and Discussion

4.1 The Current Situation of English Learning Self-efficacy ofHigher-grade Students in Primary School

The current situation of English self-efficacy of primary school students in the highgrades are investigated by the English learning self-efficacy questionnaire. The scoreof self-efficacy and the score