

日期:2018年02月26日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4143
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201802151014162047 论文字数:30609 所属栏目:在职研究生论文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
摘 要

当前,伴随着我国的经济实力的不断提高,对于医疗的重视程度不断增长,在我国,大型医用设备得到了越来高德普及率,在过去,仅仅只能够在大城市的大的医院才会拥有的X光诊断仪等,现在在许多的中小型医院就能够见到,甚至在一些乡镇医院,也借用其开展有关的检查。设备的发展,对于医院的发展发挥了重要的推动作用。当前,在我国,仅仅是多普勒 B 超(彩超)拥有量就超过了六千台,并还在以高达每年六百台的速度快速的增长着,此外包括CT机在内的诸多的医疗仪器也在迅速的被引进。借助于各级各种医院对于这些大型医疗设备大规模的引进,让我们在进行大型医疗设备的经济管理分析的时候,能够更为的便利,也能够获得更多的相关数据。

At present, with the continuous improvement of China's economic strength, the importance of attention for medical growth, in China, large-scale medical equipment has been more and more high penetration rate, in the past, only in large cities only in large hospitals Have X-ray diagnostic apparatus, etc., now in many small and medium-sized hospitals will be able to see, even in some township hospitals, but also borrowed to carry out the relevant checks. The development of equipment for the development of the hospital has played an important role in promoting. At present, in our country, only the Doppler B super (color ultrasound) possession of more than six thousand units, and still up to 600 units per year speed of the rapid growth, in addition to including CT machine, including a lot of medical The instrument is also being introduced quickly. With the introduction of large-scale medical equipment at all levels of various hospitals, we can get more relevant data when conducting economic management analysis of large-scale medical equipment.
To a large extent, an important trend in hospital development is the introduction of large medical equipment. For the hospital, if the lack of large medical equipment, then a lot of work can not be effectively carried out, and thus its development will have a significant adverse impact. However, large medical equipment primers, whether it is procurement, or in terms of maintenance, need to pay a higher cost. At present, the demand for medical services continues to improve, the hospital needs these equipment, but also to consider whether it can help the hospital to increase economic efficiency. Inappropriate when the introduction of a higher cost to pay, will bring great economic pressure to the hospital. In this case, when to introduce, it becomes a large number of hospital decision makers are actively thinking about the problem.
In the hospital into an independent business, self-financing, for the hospital, the past so the government to invest, the situation by the administrative funding has changed, has entered the hospital in accordance with their actual needs, decide whether to introduce large medical equipment The situation. In this case, how to introduce, what kind of equipment, in what the actual introduction of a variety of hospital decision makers need to be a positive thinking. Based on this, under the national conditions in China, only to carry out the general feasibility study can not effectively achieve the goal, it is important to note that after the introduction of medical equipment, how to carry out management, how to carry out business, so that it can be in economic efficiency To maximize the performance of the hospital to promote the level of diagnosis and treatment have been greatly improved to promote the hospital to obtain a stronger competitive edge, to promote the rapid d