

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1287
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201407141445319702 论文字数:36200 所属栏目:英语文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
stiff without flexibility, while Chinese issoft and flexible.

2.2 Difference in Word Order and Sentence Order
One of the syntactic differences between English and Chinese lie in the word andsentence order. The difference of the word order lies in the use of modifiers, and thedifference of the sentence order lies in the use of subordinate clauses in English. AnEnglish sentence resembles much as a grapevine, with words having its own branchwhich is known as modifiers and subordinate clauses, whereas words in Chinesesentences are arranged in the order of logical relations with no branches. The order of main clause and subordinate clauses in English composite clausediffers greatly from that of the Chinese. For example, the attributive clause couldeither placed before or after the main clause in English, while in Chinese narrationfollows the order of time; in the adverbial clause of cause, the subordinate clauseexpressing the clause could placed either before or after the main clause, but inChinese the “cause” is always placed before the “result”. The position of subordinateclause of condition in English is also quite flexible, which could be placed eitherbefore or after the main clause, while in Chinese the condition always lies before theresult.

Chapter 3 Types and Features of English Long Sentences ....8
3.1 Types of English Long Sentences ........8
3.1.1 Long Sentence Containing Attributive Clause.....8
3.1.2 Long Sentence Containing Adverbial Clause ......8
3.1.3 Long Sentence Containing Complex Sentence ....9
3.1.4 Long Sentence Containing Parenthesis ........10
3.2 Features of English Long Sentences .......11
Chapter4 Methods of Translating English Long Sentences......12
4.1 Plain Sequence .........13
4.2 Backward Sequence.......15
4.3 Embedding .....15
4.4 Phrasing Method ......16
4.5 Restructuring.......18
4.6 Synthetic Method .....19

Chapter4 Methods of Translating English Long Sentences

Translating of long English sentence generally consists of three processes, namely,understanding, analysis and expression. Understanding is the first and the mostimportant process in translating long English sentences. English long sentence hascomplicated structure which makes it difficult to understand. An accurate translation isbased on the correct understanding of the original sentence, including the a clearunderstanding of sentence structure, meaning of specific words, subordination betweenclauses and the internal logical relations between clauses. . First of all, analyze onesentence, sentence trunk identification is of great importance because it enables us tounderstand the modifying relations between clauses and the function of every clause.Secondly analyze the meaning of important words, especially some conjunctive words;thirdly, restructuring the sentence in accordance with modifying relations in Chinesewith notation or other methods in order to express it in Chinese. As the expressionhabit, grammatical rules and ways of thinking between the two languages differs,English sentence and Chinese sentence which have the same meaning are different inword order. Word order refers to the order of the sentence members, representing therelations between words and sentence members, and reflecting the logical thinking andpsychological structure of the language user. Therefore, in translating English longsentence it is necessary to restructure the original sentence to achieve accuracy andfluency in Chinese. It is not against the “faithfulness” principle, because such variationaims to accurately express the original sentence and reach the standards of“expressiveness” and “ele