
英语论文格式范例:A Brief Analysisof Jane Eyre’s Ideal Love

日期:2018年03月13日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1622
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201304202013488937 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:英语论文格式
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文格式 Paper format
In Pursuit of Dignified Love: A Brief Analysisof Jane Eyre’s Ideal Love (三号字体)
中文姓名  008123456
(Leave a blank space between the title and the thesis statement.)
Thesis statement:  Jane Eyre’s financial independence is essential to her return to Rochester.
I. Introduction (需重新设定罗马字母与小标题之间的间距如下:   格式—项目符号和编号—自定义编号列表—制表位位置改成0.8厘米。每一小标题结束后按 “Enter” 键两下,然后再退回上一行,删除自动生成的编号,再按“Tab”键并打印大写的A。)
A. Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre (书名用斜体。)
B. The plot (每行的首字母及专有名词需大写)
II. Jane Eyre’s four flights (标题第一个单词的首字母、专有名词大写,一行结束不加标点符号)
A. Flight from Reed’s home to Lowood School (for freedom)
B. Flight from school to Thornfield (for independence)
C. Flight from Rochester to Marsh End (for dignity)
D. Flight from St. John to Rochester (for love)
III. Two marriage refusals
A. Jane’s refusal to marry Rochester
1. Because of Bertha
2. Because of Rochester’s dominance in love
B. Jane’s refusal to marry St. John Rivers
   1. Because of River’s ambition and extreme self-importance
   2. The marriage is not based on love
IV. Jane Eyre’s eventual return to Rochester
A. When Jane is financially independence
B. When Rochester is no longer dominant
C. The marriage is based on “equal-footing”
V. Conclusion
VI. References (列出已经收集到参考书目,参见“论文APA格式指南”的相关格式)
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