

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2470
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008111301458970 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:英语论文格式
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title



学生姓名   刘 杭 州     指导教师 李  国  华

二级学院   外国语学院  专业名称  英语

班  级  01 英语 3 班 学  号  014219014

     提交日期  2005年5月25日答辩日期 2005年5月31日

 2005 年5 月25 日


Advertisements In English And Chinese
& Their Translations
(Times New Roman小二号加粗)

Liu Hangzhou
(Times New Roman四号加粗)

Registered No. 014219014
 School of Foreign Languages
Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics
May, 2005
(Times New Roman四号加粗)


论文作者签名:                 年   月   日


论文作者签名:                 年   月   日

Advertisements In English And Chinese &
Their Translations
(Times New Roman三号居中加粗,中英文摘要单独一页)

Abstract: (Times New Roman小四加粗)Advertisement develops very fast in modern society and many internationalization companies extend their products to different markets of target with different languages. The target culture will influence the market and make the effect of advertisement different from others. So, the translation of advertisement should not only refer to the surface layer of language, but also approach to the connection of culture. There are many methods in translating advertisement. Free translation, literal translation, combination of transliteration & free translation, and adapted translation are the main four. This paper attempts to analyze the slogans and linguistic features of advertisement, and discuss about acculturation in stylistic translation(Times New Roman小四,单倍行距)
Key words: (Times New Roman小四加粗) slogans; target culture; acculturation; free translation; literal translation(Times New Roman小四,单倍行距)

摘  要:(宋体四号中间空二个空格加粗)广告在现代社会增长的步幅很快,而很多国际化大公司也在采用不同的语言将自己的产品推广到不同的目标市场上。在这个目标市场上还会带来影响和广告效果差别的还有目标文化。因此,对于广告的翻译就不仅仅停留在语言的层面,而更多的是文化的交融。广告的翻译也有多种技巧:直译,音译,音意兼译,编译是主要的四种。本文通过对广告标题句语言特点的分析入手,在如何把握翻译技巧的同时,将实践提高到“文化转向翻译”英语毕业论文的高度。(宋体小四,单倍行距)
关键词:(宋体四号中间空二个空格加粗)广告标题句;目标文化;文化转向翻译;意译法; 直译法(宋体小四,单倍行距)

(Times New Roman字体小二号居中加粗,目录占一页)
1. Introduction  ……………………………………………………………………1
(一级标题,Times New Roman小四,后面页码应排齐,下同)
2. The Slogans and Their Translations ………………………………………...….1
3. The Discrepancy in Advertisement Translation Rising from Language
3.1 Pragmatic Meaning Discrepancy…………………………...……………….2
3.2 Rhetoric Technique Discrepancy …………………………………………....3
3.3 Sentence Pattern Discrepancy  ……………………………………………. 4
4. Trans-culture Factors in Advertisement Translation …………………………. 4
4.1 Value www.51lunwen.org Viewpoint.................................................................................................5
4.2 Social History Background..........................………………………………….6
4.3 Esthetic Idea......................................................................................................7
4.4 Social Custom ...................................................................................................7
5. Translation Technique of Advertisements ……………………...…....………….8
5.1 Literal Translation ………………………………………………..…………..8
5.2 Free Translation …………………………………….……………………….10
5.3 Combination of Transliteration & Free Translation ………………….…..10
5.4 Adapted Translation  ………………………………………………….……10
5.5 Other Translations …………………………………………………….…….11
6. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………..12