

日期:2018年01月23日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1686
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201709072124537165 论文字数:38596 所属栏目:英语毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 The Research Background
With the development of the society and the progress of science and technology, theenvironment of contemporary Chinese learning English is also increasingly enriched. Withthe development and popularization of network technology, it provides more opportunitiesfor English learners. Students can learn English by browsing the web, watching Englishmovies and TV programs. However, for most students, the most important way to learnEnglish is still in the English class. Outside the classroom, students rarely have theopportunity to communicate in English. Therefore, classroom and teachers are particularlyimportant for students’ English learning. English being a language course, the classroominteraction and communication are more important. Therefore, the effective use ofteachers’ discourse can promote not only classroom communication and interaction, butalso the classroom efficiency.On account of the teachers’ classroom discourse, it is not only a tool for teachers tocarry out teaching plans, but also an important source of language input for students. So itplays an important role in the organization of classroom teaching and learners’ languageacquisition (Nunan, 1991). Studies have shown that most of the English classroominteraction is mainly teachers’ questioning, and then the students answer. Classroomquestioning is one of the commonly used teaching techniques. In 1988, Chaudron’sresearch on classroom questioning behavior shows that the proportion of questioning inclassroom discourse is 20%-40%. Thus, we can get that teachers’ questioning is a veryimportant part of classroom discourse. And the effective classroom questioning can greatlyimprove the efficiency of the classroom. It can not only provide classroom communicationopportunities for students, promote classroom communication and interaction, but also teststudents’ comprehension ability, increase teachers’ understanding of students andeventually let teachers educate them according to their natural ability and accordingly theclassroom efficiency will be improved.

1.2 The Research Purpose
Classroom questioning is both an important part of classroom teaching and one of themain teaching methods to achieve the purpose of classroom teaching. Questioning is themost widely used method in the classroom teaching. It is the most important way forstudents and teachers to communicate and exchange information. In one word, it plays animportant role in classroom teaching. It is of great practical significance to study classroomquestioning. In the classroom, questioning is the most direct and convenient way to open the students’ creative thinking abilities and guide the students to think creatively. It is alsoan effective way for teachers to receive feedback from students. Setting up the effectiveclassroom questioning will increase the students’ classroom participation, so as to letstudents actively take part in the interaction of teaching and learning process, and alsomaximize the students’ subjective initiative. Based on this, the purpose of this study is tofind out the current situation and problems of English teachers’ classroom questioning insenior high school. From the point of improving the effectiveness of classroom questioning,it tends to explore how to use effective classroom questioning to improve the efficiency ofclassroom teaching, and puts forward some feasible suggestions, so as to improve theclassroom questioning and achieve effective teaching.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Nowadays, classroom teaching model is centered on Students and it puts forwardhigher requirements for teachers. Therefore, teachers should not only play a leading role,but also participate in classroom interaction to mobilize the classroom atmosphere. Thiskind of classroom teaching mode can provide students with more language trainingopportunities and environment, and promote language input and output. Teachers shoulduse effective classroom questioning