

日期:2020年12月31日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1283
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202012271759297518 论文字数:49255 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 Requirements of Developing Critical Thinking in ModernEducation

21st century is known as “ knowledge-based era” and “information explosion”era. This era is characterized by knowledge generating and spreading at anunprecedented speed and the development of the Internet and modern technology isaccelerating the renewal of the information and knowledge (Luo,2001). Myers (1986)claims that “the amount of information obtained through social media and internetseems beyond the human’s ability to master and use information”. Paul puts forwardthat in this information era, some information is out of date (1993). Thus, it is urgentthat education should help students identify and deal with varieties of informationand make the best choice. Therefore, it depends on the ability of critical thinking ifone wants to pick up the useful and meaningful knowledge and information from theabundant reading materials for a limited period of time.

The information era calls for people to read critically when encountering hugequantity of information. There are many methods to improve one’s ability ofgathering useful information and making the best decision. Critical thinking is aparticularly valid method to handle questions that asks us to carefully demonstrate asituation, uncover its hidden issues in order to make the best choice. Meanwhile,critical thinking may help people pick up the most useful and reliable informationwhen they use critical thinking technique to help them gather meaningful informationquickly. By reading a variety of related researches, the author found that ahigher-order thinking ability is lacked among the Chinese students.


1.2 Research Purpose and Significance

1.2.1 Research Purpose

The research is based on some previous findings and theoretical foundations,aiming at making an analytic study on the design of cultivation of critical thinkingability in senior high school English reading materials. This thesis attempts to analyzehow the design of senior high school English reading materials and reading exercisesreflect the cultivation of critical thinking. Besides, this thesis also wants to know aboutthe teachers’ attitudes towards cultivating student’s critical thinking ability in seniorhigh school English coursebooks. The research is useful to actualize the requirementsof the New English Curriculum Standards, especially the part of developing students’thinking quality. It can help teachers cultivate students’ critical thinking ability throughunderstanding the design of reading materials and reading exercises in terms of criticalthinking ability reflected in senior high school English coursebooks. After doing textanalysis, investigating and analyzing the questionnaire, some suggestions are given tothe teachers and coursebook designers -- as to the cultivation of senior high schoolstudent’s critical thinking ability.

1.2.2 Theoretical Significance

In doing this research, the related theories of critical thinking from abroad and athome have been introduced and studied. These theories have been widely used in thekinds of research fields. However, it is a new research area to combine the theory ofcritical thinking with coursebook evaluation, especially in form of an analytic study onthe design of coursebooks in terms of cultivating critical thinking. This thesissynthesizes the results of the relevant theories and empirical researches abroad and athome. It is hoped that the research will make some contributions to the application ofcritical thinking theory in coursebook evaluation, so as to enrich and supplement the relevant theories in these research fields.


Chapter II Literature Review

2.1 Major Concepts of the Study