

日期:2020年12月31日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1279
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202012271759297518 论文字数:49255 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
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Chapter V External Evaluation of the Coursebook

5.1 Results and Analysis of the Questionnaire

In order to understand teachers’ attitude towards the cultivation of students’critical thinking ability in senior high school English coursebooks, the authorconducted a questionnaire survey to investigate 42 senior high school English teachersin Laboratory Middle School of Hohhot and No.1 Middle School of Tongliao. All thequestionnaires are collected on the spot. And all the questionnaire collected are valid.The specific content of the questionnaire can be seen in appendix IV. In the firstanswer part of the questionnaire , the number 1 means understanding extremely, 2means understanding basically, 3 means understanding a little, 4 means do notunderstand and 5 means not understand at all. In the second answer part of thequestionnaire, the number1 means approving extremely, 2 means approving basically,3 means not sure, 4 means do not approve and 5means not approve at all.

Table 5-1 Results of Teacher Questionnaire (Q1-Q4)


Chapter VI Conclusion

6.1 Findings of the Research

Through the analysis of reading materials and reading exercises of senior highschool English coursebooks in Chapter 4 combined with the results of the teachers’questionnaire survey in Chapter 5, the findings of the study are summarized asfollows.

Firstly, critical thinking ability contains critical thinking skill and critical thinkingdisposition. Through the internal analysis of the coursebooks it is concluded that thedesign of reading materials in senior high school English coursebooks reflects thecultivation of students’ critical thinking ability. However, the distribution ration ofcritical thinking skills reflected in the reading materials are not well balanced. Criticalthinking skills consist of analysis skill, inference skill and evaluation skill in Wen’sModel. The internal analysis shows that the largest proportion is analysis skill. Thesmallest proportion is inference skill and evaluation skill is in the middle in all thereading materials of senior high school English coursebooks. The distribution ration ofcritical thinking disposition is well balanced. Critical thinking dispositions includecuriosity, self-confidence, open-mindedness, integrity and persistence in Wen’s model.The proportions of these five critical thinking dispositions reflected in the readingmaterials are relatively reasonable.
