Chapter OneIntroduction
1.1 Background of the Research
Writing, a kind of productive skill, is regarded as a representative of learners’comprehensive language abilities as well as a crucial component of the basic fourlanguage skills. Writing can not only reflect learners’ language competence, but alsohelp learners internalize language knowledge and facilitate development of otherlanguage skills. Thus, writing plays an important role in English language teaching andlearning.
With the reformation of the New Curriculum Standards, Educational Departmentmade clear requirements for senior high school students’ English writing abilities. In2011, the English Curriculum Standards proposed the fifth level of writing ability,which required students to describe a person or an event briefly, organize ideas in alogic and coherent way by using appropriate conjunctions, write their first draft of ashort story or letter independently. Furthermore, at the end of 2017, the New EnglishCurriculum Standards for senior high school was published, which deepened theunderstanding of English writing. Writing teaching should not be carried out independently, but combined with listening, speaking and reading teaching. It is alsoviewed as an expressive skill, which need students to use correct words and grammarsto describe experiences or express feelings, comment or argue by stating supportivepoints, apply means of cohesion to make writings more coherent and cohesive.
However, achievements have been made in English writing teaching, theproduct-oriented, the process-oriented, and genre-based teaching method as typicalexamples of exploring, there are still many problems existing in current English writinginstruction. For instance, English writing teaching is still neglected by some teachers.And teachers are using monotonous writing teaching methods instead of choosingappropriate one. On the other hand, many students finish their compositions with anegative attitude, they lack of effective writing strategies either. Moreover, somestudents get used to regarding writing as another way for translation. All in all, thecurrent situation of students’ writing is not satisfying.
1.2 Purpose of the Research
This paper is mainly to apply Memetics to senior high school English writing,aiming at discussing the effects of Memetics-based English writing teaching onstudents’ attitude toward English writing and their writing abilities.
First, it is to find out whether Memetics-based writing teaching help studentsdevelop a positive attitude to English writing by releasing students’ English writinganxiety, increasing students’ enthusiasm of writing and forming good writing habits.
Second, it also tends to explore the influence of Memetics-based writing teachingon senior high school students’ writing abilities. For one thing, it investigates ifstudents’ writing scores are improved. For another, it explores further to testify exactchanges on students’ writings when they undergo the complete four stages oftransmission of language memes.
Third, it is also aimed to convince English teachers to take Memetics theory intoconsideration. According to many researches, most of domestic English teacher are stillfocusing on traditional product writing teaching method. Though it brings great benefitto English writing teaching, it has many limitations. Thus, it is necessary to adopt morewriting teaching methods that suitable for students’ development. Applying Memetics toEnglish writing teaching is another option. Under the guidance of Memetics, studentsare provided with sufficient comprehensible input, and some of them become strongmemes that stored in their minds. During the next three stages in the life cycle of memes,these strong meme