

日期:2020年08月23日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1972
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202008111118002052 论文字数:72522 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
oom teaching.


Chapter TwoLiterature Review

2.1 Senior High School English Teachers’ Classroom Discourse

Senior high school teacher’s classroom discourse, also known as teachers’ talkor language in English classroom of senior high. Generally, senior high school teachers’classroom discourse generated by teachers when they organize classroom teachingactivities and deliver knowledge to students. Senior high school teacher’ classroomdiscourse is not only an instrument for teachers to carry out teaching projects, but alsodetermines the success or failure of classroom teaching (Li Yuee & Fan Hongya, 2012,p. 32). The nature of senior high school teachers’ classroom discourse is extremelycomplicated. Cheng Xiaotang (2009, p. 289) deeply explores the new functionalframework of foreign language classroom teacher discourse with the support ofpedagogy theory. Walsh (2011, p. 37) found that the language used in the classroom canperform multiple functions simultaneously, such as searching for information, checkingstudents’ learning results or providing suggestions. He also pointed out that teachers’classroom discourse is crucial in the classroom because learners acquire knowledge,study and develop new skills, find problems in understanding, or build and maintaininterpersonal relationships through teachers’ discourse in the classroom. Besides, DingJianming (2017, p. 216) thought that language function can be divided into two parts:exchange function and interaction function. In English class, students can exchangeideas with their classmates and teachers. Moreover, interactive language enablesstudents to better understand the teacher and make communication more smooth andeffective.


2.2 Previous Studies on the Use of Politeness in Teachers’ ClassroomDiscourse

2.2.1 Previous Studies Abroad

Based on previous studies abroad, the researcher found that politeness inteachers’ classroom discourse is a fascinating topic to be investigated. They studiedfeatures and influences of politeness principles or strategies used in teachers’ classroomdiscourse and male and female differences in using politeness principles or strategies toEnglish class. Several previous studies abroad had been conducted in this area, they areEdgar, 2017; Manik & Hutagaol, 2015; Khusnia, 2017; Cazden, 2017; Holmes, 2013;Monsefi & Hadidi, 2015; Arif et al., 2018; Khan & Ali, 2017; Nurkholifah, 2018;Hanifah et al., 2017; Wubbles, 2017; Batcha, Bohous & Diab, 2012; Mahmud, 2015.

First of all, Edgar (2017, p. 11) mentioned in his book Educational Psychologythat teachers’ discourse accounts for about two-thirds of all teaching activities in mostclassroom teaching. How to use teacher’s discourse be more conducive to classroomteaching, which is worth for teachers to think about. Hence, he proposed that teachersshould pay attention to use some politeness strategies or principles in their classroomdiscourse. As a result, many studies through applying Leech’s politeness principles orBrown and Levinson’s politeness strategies to analyze the features of teachers’ politediscourse. For example, Manik and Hutagaol (2015, p. 165) applied Leech’s politenessprinciples to analyze teachers’ polite discourse and found out that teachers mainly usefour maxims in their classroom discourse, they are tact maxim, generosity maxim,approbation maxim, and agreement maxim. Among these maxims, the tact maxim is themost frequent maxims in teachers’ classroom discourse. Similarly, Khusnia (2017, p. 42)used the mixed method of qualitative and quantitative to conduct observations of 3classes of a senior high school to identify the use of types of politeness principles orstrategies in teachers’ discourse of English classroom. The research result showed thatalthough teachers will apply Leech’s six polite maxims in their class discourse, the proportion and frequency of the use of each maxim has some differences in differentsituations. Besides, Cazden (20