

日期:2020年08月16日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1669
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202008062252131987 论文字数:52511 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

本文是一篇英语教学论文,目前的研究基本上是材料评价。根据《国家英语课程标准》(2017年版)提出的词汇学习和教学要求,对NSE词汇活动中涉及的词汇知识、接受性和生产性词汇使用进行了调查。通过回顾词汇知识的基本理论假设,勾勒出几种词汇知识模型并进行比较。本文还简要回顾了前人对教科书词汇的研究,为本研究提供了方法论上的参考。实际评估的目的是回答以下三个研究问题:1)NSE词汇活动涉及哪些词汇知识(形式/意义/使用)?2) 在NSE词汇活动中,接受性和产出性词汇使用的特点是什么?3) 词汇活动设计在多大程度上满足了《标准》中词汇学习和教学的要求?

Chapter OneIntroduction

1.1 Background of the Research

Vocabulary is an indispensable part of language knowledge which is essential forlanguage comprehension and production. Wallace (1982, p. 9) notes that “there is asense that learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning the vocabularyof that language.” This reflects that vocabulary knowledge is viewed as thefoundation of the development of language competence.

According to National English Curriculum Standards (2017 Edition) (theStandards for short) (Ministry of Education, 2018, p. 23), vocabulary learning is aprocess of long-term comprehensive practice and efficient accumulation. The generalgoal of the vocabulary learning and teaching for senior high school learners is toconcentrate on cultivating learners' lexical awareness in contexts, and broadenlearners’ vocabulary size through extensive reading, so as to improve their ability toaccurately understand and appropriately express meanings by using vocabulary(Ministry of Education, 2018, p. 21). Compared with the previous versions, morecomprehensive and detailed requirements on vocabulary learning and teaching are putforward in the Standards. Actually, three main differences are worth noticing. Firstly,although the total number of vocabulary remains nearly unchanged for learners to meet the academic evaluation criteria, a smaller vocabulary size is required forcompulsory courses while a larger one for selective compulsory courses. Secondly, awider range of vocabulary knowledge is provided. Besides pronunciation, spellingand the connection of the word meaning with its form, other vocabulary knowledge isstressed in the new Standards, such as the lexical roots and affixes and the rules onthe change of parts of speech of vocabulary items, the connotations and denotationsof specific words, the intentions and attitudes of speakers conveyed by specificvocabulary in contexts, the categories of vocabulary according to different themes,and the collocations and lexical chunks. Thirdly, receptive and productive vocabularyuse are further strengthened by stressing the conditions for vocabulary use like withthe help of dictionaries and other learning resources for compulsory courses and inmore complicated contexts, express... and describe... accurately and use wordsappropriately for selective compulsory ones and through the verbs in the descriptionof the requirements like to apply...to understand and express, to categorize words andto accumulate vocabulary chunks. The above revisions reflect a new balance ofvocabulary learning and teaching content, which optimizes learners' overalldevelopment of vocabulary breadth and depth.


1.2 Purpose & Significance of the Research

This study attempts to explore the vocabulary activity design in a set of Englishtextbooks of New Standard English (NSE) by Foreign Language Teaching andResearch Press, which are widely used by learners in senior high schools in China.Thus, the current research aims at evaluating how effective the vocabulary activitiesdesign can satisfy the requirements on vocabulary leaning and teaching set by the newstandards. The characteristics of vocabulary knowledge as well as receptive andproductive vocabulary use covered in the vocabulary activities of these textbooks willbe examined. And the requirements on vocabulary learning and teaching in theStandards will be used as criteria for the evaluation.

Actually, this study can be viewed as an indirect justification on the quality ofvocabulary activity design of such a popular set of textbooks and it is of greatsignificance against the background of the current materials reform. From atheoretical perspective, since this study is e