2.2 The Approaches to Task-based Teaching
Finally,it is important to recognize that there is no single way of doing task-basedteaching.One of its earliest proposals may be that intertwined with humanistic language teaching.Humanistic principles of education put the emphasis on the ftilfillment of students’ potentialfor growth by admitting the significance of the affective dimension in learning as well as thecognitive. Humanistic approaches aim at encouraging the students to bring their affection tothe language learning in the classroom. For example, the students should try to care for andshare with each other so as to not only improve their self-esteem but also stimulate them toleam by themselves in this process. Moskowitz [23] demonstrates what she calls 'humanisticexercises' which are actually tasks as defined here for language learning with some examples.For example, 'Identity card’ requires the students to pin on cards that give some personalinformation about themselves. The task situation is like this: all the students circulate as theteacher plays the music. The students should choose a partner and share the information onthe card as soon as the music stops. Moskowitz regards its 'affective purpose as ‘warming upa new group of students' and treats the 'linguistic' purpose as the practice of asking andanswering questions. She views this kind of humanistic tasks as the supplement andreinforcement of traditional materials. Therefore her task-based method is not so radical. Anda more radical idea for the task-based teaching should be to construct an entire course aroundtasks.
3. The Design and Implementation ofTBLT in the Comprehensive........... 14
3.1 The Syllabus of Comprehensive Reading Course.......... 14
3.2 The Methodology of Comprehensive Reading Course.......... 14
3.3 The Implementation ofTasked-based Reading Course.......... 16
4. Methodology.......... 18
4.1 Participants.......... 18
4.2 Instrument.......... 18
4.3 Procedures.......... 18
5. Data Analysis and Discussions.......... 20
5.1 Students' Background Knowledge about TBLT before the Experiment ..........20
5.2 Choic