

日期:2018年05月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1649
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201507231334207406 论文字数:36254 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research
Self-concept could generally be defined as a person’s self perceptions, which areformed through his or her experience and interpretations with the overall environment.Self perceptions are especially affected by the evaluations and reinforcements fromothers who are considered as significant ones, as well as the attributions for thebehavior of oneself. It could be deemed as an organic system, which is complicated,organized, and dynamic. The system could be influenced by one’s beliefs, attitudes andopinions, which the person thinks to be true about himself or herself. Self-concept isdifferent from self-esteem, which is one’s overall emotional evaluation of self-worth.Self-concept is also different from self-efficacy, which means the extent or strength ofone’s belief in one’s own ability to complete tasks and reach goals. Self-concept is notthe same as self-report, which includes personal feelings, attitudes, beliefs that aperson is willing and able to disclose. As has been pointed out by James (1890),self-concept is the nucleus of personality and a core factor affecting individualbehavior. It has been proved to be a multidimensional, hierarchical construct consistingof domain-specific self-concepts.During the process of foreign language learning, a learner’s self-concept could beseverely damaged because language learning is different from other fields of study inthat it is more “ego-involving”. Primarily, one learns a language throughcommunication. Among different aspects of language, pronunciation is a key elementduring the face-to-face communication, which helps to show the speaker’s self-image.The “visibility’’ characteristic of pronunciation makes it quite sensitive and vulnerableto people’s evaluation. Therefore, it is very closely related to self-concept.

1.2 Framework of the Study
This thesis is composed of five chapters.Chapter One offers an overview of the research. In this chapter, such contents asthe background of the research and the layout of the thesis are included.Chapter Two respectively reviews the relevant theoretical studies and empiricalstudies. In this chapter, the definition and classification of self-concept are explained.The theoretical researches into the relationship between academic self-concept andacademic achievement have been reviewed. What’s more, the meaning of EPSC aswell as the earlier empirical studies of the relationship between EPSC and Englishachievement has also been probed into. Literature concerning the differences caused bygender, grade (age) as well as school-type in the relationship between EPSC andEnglish achievement have been reviewed too.Chapter Three describes the specific measures to carry out the research. In thischapter, the design of research questions is to be explained. The description of theresearch subjects will also be made, which is carried out to verify that the subjectschosen are averagely distributed, i.e. they are a typical sample of students in juniorhigh school. And the research instruments as well as the details of data collection arelisted.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Theoretical Studies on Self-concept
Theoretical Studies on which the present study is based include the definitions ofself-concept and EPSC, the construct of multidimensional self-concept, the gender,grade (age) and school-type differences in EPSC as well as the correlation betweendomain-specific self-concepts and relevant achievements. Since the study is conducted on the self-concept, the defin