

日期:2018年05月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1695
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201506211435344466 论文字数:36254 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Dictionary gives somecommon definitions of language, they are: (1) “(a) speech of human beings; (b) the competence ofcommunication through speech; (c) a system of sounds and their combinations which are used to express orexchange ideals and feeling; (d) systematical literal expression; ”(2) Language is the ways to express andcommunicate such as gesture, marks, and voices of animals etc (Hu Zhuanglin, 2002:2). “Language is a tool toexpress meaning and exchange ideals which is special to human beings, it serves for all classes.” This is thedefinition from Modern Chinese Dictionary (1990). A briefest definition is that language is a way ofcommunication. This communication is purposeful and only effective when both sides understand thenon-verbal hints, motivation, and social culture. So, language is practical and social. This emphasized thatlanguage is not only a tool for communication but also an important carrier of culture.

2.2 The research status of domestic and abroad
How to conduct culture teaching in English teaching? Many scholars devoted this topic and put manymethods and skills about culture teaching. Hu Wenzhong and Gao Yihong’s foreign language teaching andculture summed up ten years’ development and changes of culture teaching in foreign language teaching: first,on teaching method. Form value result to value process, the imparting of knowledge tend to strength students’imagination and observation to culture, the process of experience and analysis is emphasized. From the singletarget language to interaction between Chinese style and target language. in the book, it introduced 8 ways ofteaching which includes: cultural infiltration, to explain culture and guarantee the procession of languageteaching; cultural aside, to describe and explain a conflicting or misunderstanding event. Cultural package, ascript introduces and reveals the differences between target language culture and Chinese culture, or use photosand matters; cultural collection, discuss the central topic and perform the cultural package; cultural polygonprism, the different description and explanation to a cultural phenomenon; training of ethnic methods, bypersonally on the scene, to describe and summarize a certain society or race’s life or culture (Hu Wenzhong,1997: 42). These teaching methods put students as center, some lays particular emphasis on result, some onprocess, and some on classroom activities.

Chapter Three Theoretical Basis ......... 16
3.1 The relationship between language and culture......... 16
3.2 Cross-culture awareness ......... 17
Chapter Four Investigation into culture teaching in senior high school’s EFLT.........  18
4.1 The research questions......... 18
4.2 The research subjects......... 18
4.3The research methods ......... 18
4.4 The research procedure.........  20
4.5 The data collection......... 25
Chapter Five Data Analysis .........  26
5.1 Analysis of pre-test .........  26
5.2Analysis of post-test ......... 28
5.3 Analysis of questionnaires .........  32
5.4 Analysis of interviews ......... 35

Chapter Five Data Analysis