

日期:2018年06月19日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1535
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201501302112573615 论文字数:88109 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


Chapter 1 Introduction
American linguist,Harris put forward the study on discourse analysis in the early1950s. After that, worldwide discourse analysts had made their great efforts to studyvarious theories of discourse analysis and approaches through lots of analysis ondiscourse. They had explored the internal rules of discourse and drawn their attentionon language. They put emphasis on language systems and semantic structures, therelationship between languages and social culture, and the relationship betweenlanguages and psychological cognition. They ignored some forms of meanings, suchas images,sound,colors and videos. (Zhu Yongsheng [朱永生],2011) Multimodaldiscourse analysis arose in the 1990s in the western countries. Discourse does notonly exist in texts,but also exists through pictures, movies,sound, charts, colors andlayouts, which are effective for meaning construction. Modality is a communicativechannel or medium, which includes semiotic system,such as languages, technology,pictures, colors and music.The traditional language times have been taken place by the multimodalcommunication. The topic is worthy of study. The importance of multimodaldiscourse cannot be ignored. Various approaches and theories can be appliedcomprehensively to analyze different texts. Various approaches and results maypromote the further researches on discourse. The systemic functional grammar has been proved to be a very effective andfeasible way to analyze most discourses. Multimodal teaching discourse is still newfor teachers and students. It has been proved that systemic functional grammar may beused in analyzing multimodal teaching discourse. A practical and integratedframework can be constructed according to "three meta-fUnctions”,which wasderived from Halliday's (1994) functional linguistics. The framework serves as aperspective to understand the meaning making and develop English thinking in theoral English teaching.In the thesis, the author puts the auditory modality to be the principal modality.The study will be based on some dialogues students made after multimodal teaching.The thesis contributes to the multimodal oral English teaching. This study will provethe applicability of multimodal discourse analysis in oral English pedagogies. The thesis attempts to apply the multimodal discourse analysis to oral Englishteaching by investigating how the different modalities, namely, auditory modality,visual modality and other modalities cooperate and coordinate in classroom. Thepurpose of the study is to apply the theory of multimodal discourse analysis to oralbusiness English teaching and explore how to apply the most effective modality andmedia teaching activities,
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Overview of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
With the development of discourse analysis, the multimodal features of discourseare attracting more and more attention. The author, who teaches oral English,findsthat the application of multimodal discourse analysis to English teaching has beenemphasized. The application of multimodal discourse analysis to English teachingmeets the needs of educational reform and development. Studies on modality have been developed so widely in recent years. Modality is acommunicative channel or medium,which includes semiotic system like languages,technology,pictures, colors and music."Multimodality is a phenomenon which is communicated by means of variousways and semiotic resources, such as languages,pictures,sound and actions.”(Zhang Delu [张德禄],2009) Hu Zhuanglin [胡壮麟](2007) defined thatmultimodality means the diversity of communicative approaches in society.Multimodality refers to the combination of different semiotic modes,

2.2 Application of Multimodal Discourse Analysis
Language is a kind of speech act exists in human society. It performs an importantrole