

日期:2018年06月19日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1515
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201501302112573615 论文字数:88109 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
in the development and evolution of human beings. In the study of discourseanalysis,it was found that research on single modality could not discover the meaningpotential, especially with the development of modem science and technology, most meanings of discourses are reflected by non-verbal elements, such as paralanguage,body language,teaching facilities,laboratory and network. Under this circumstance,communication is carried on by multimodalities. It was claimed that multimodalityrefers to a variety of semiotic resources are used in texts,including oral language,images and other resources, which are used to construct discourse. "Gibbon (2000)declared that the approach of studying multimodality is to integrate language withother resources.,,(Xie Li [谢莉],2013: 145-147) Harris's thesis,which was named discourse analysis in Language,announced thebeginning of the study of discourse analysis. (Zhao Minjie [赵敏杰],2013) Thesemiologist,Barthes, who is from France,firstly analyzed multimodal discoursesystematically. He published his thesis Rhetoric of the image and discussed theinteraction of images and languages in expressing meanings. "T.F. Mitchell analyzedthe characteristics of business words in certain context?” (Zhao Minjie [赵敏杰],2013: 38) Kress, Van Leeuwen,Jewitt, O'Halloran, OToole,Ventila, Baldry,Thibault and Scollon are famous Multimodal Discourse Analyst overseas. Chafe(1994) demonstrated how the study of language and consciousness could provide anunexpectedly broad understanding of the way the mind works,investigated the flowof ideas through consciousness and introduced discourse from psychologicalperspective. 0’ Toole (1994) who was an early pioneer of audio-visual languageteaching methodology, explored the "grammar" of the visual arts and proposed thatviewers simultaneously read three different kinds of meaning: what is represented,how it engages us and how it is composed. Kress and Hodge (1979) first proposedthat modality could be used in non-verbal way. In recent years, the work of Kressand Van Leeuwen is becoming important approaches to discourse analysis andmeaning making. The term of "multimodality" was derived from the work. (ZhaoMinjie [赵敏杰],2013: 38) Kress and Van Leeuwen (2011) firstly put forward theconcept of multimodal discourse and constructed visual grammar. They extended theconcept of modality to image. They also made researches on the relationship between modality and media. 0’ Halloran did not only study the construction ofmultimodal theory,but also studied the multimodal phenomenon in mathematicaldiscourse. He analyzed multimodal discourse from systemic functional perspectives."Royce studied the complementation of different semiotics in multimodal discourseand the coordination of multimodalities in the second language classroom?” (LiuDan & Hu Jiaying [刘丹&胡家英],2011: 94-95) Williamson (2003) definedmultimodality, multisemiotics and multiliteracies. Le Vine, Philip and Ron Scollon(2004) opened up a discussion among discourse analysts and others in linguistics andrelated fields about the impact of new communication technologies. They analyzedmultimodality through speech and gesture,as well as through typography, layout,andthe materials employed in the making of texts. Norris (2004) offered a clearmethodology to help the reader carry out the integrative analysis. Matthiessen (2007)worked in grammar and discourse, functional grammar for English-languageteachers. Rick (2008) extended the analysis of discourse as multi-semiotic practice.O'Halloran (2011) developed the systemic fimctional- multimodal discourse analysisapproach, which explored the meaning arising through the use of language and visualimagery in pr