
硕士英语毕业论文:A Study on the Patterns of the Corrective Feedback in Secondary School EFL Classrooms

日期:2018年08月27日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1730
论文价格:600元/篇 论文编号:lw201501161455429027 论文字数:20498 所属栏目:英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘  要

本文对国内中学英语课堂中的学习者做了一项关于纠错式反馈的实证性研究。英语学习者目的在于掌握一门常用的第二外语,而在学习第二外语的过程中,纠正性反馈是引导学生掌握外语很重要的一种方法。事实上,纠错式反馈是英语课堂师生交往中的一个重要环节。英语课堂师生交往最常见的形式就是教师启动(initiation)——学生回答(response)——教师反馈(feedback)的三段式,在教师反馈中,纠错式反馈占了相当的比例。(Cazden, 1988) 纠错式反馈一直是认知语言学和二语习得研究和关注的主题。

本研究以国内外关于反馈的研究为基础,以二语习得中Krashen的输入假说,Long交互假说以及Swain 输出假说作为评价反馈有效性的标准,选取新课标下初中英语课堂教学的十六节录像课为研究对象,这十六节课都是在新课标理念指导下完成且在2010年全国初中英语课中大赛获奖的展示课。本研究试着通过语料分析,回答以下三个问题:
本文中纠错式反馈是指对学生语言中的错误做出的反应。根据这个定义,结合数据分析,首先得出了纠错式反馈存在这样的特点:针对不同的错误类型教师的反馈有明显的不同; 根据反馈的分类,不同类型的反馈所占的比例差别很大。各类错误所获得的纠错式反馈与该类错误出现的频率不成正比。教师对语音错误的纠错式反馈是最严厉的,对于词汇和语 用性错误的纠错式反馈则相对宽容。反馈方式与教师产生年代、来源地区、性别的相关性比较低。


This empirical study is based on the Chinese e middle school students in the EFL classroom. The aim of English learners is to master a common foreign language. In the process of learning the second language, the corrective feedback is an important method to instruct students to master the foreign language. In fact, the corrective feedback is an important part of the English classroom communication between teachers and students. The most common form in this communication is a three-stage form: initiation – response – feedback, and in the teacher feedback, the corrective feedback accounts for a considerable proportion (Cazden, 1988). Corrective feedback has been a current topic for exploration in the fields of second language acquisition and cognitive linguistics.

This study is based on the related studies from home and abroad and uses Krashen’s (1981) Input Hypothesis , Swain’s Output Hypothesis (1985, 1995) and Long’ Interaction Hypothesis (1996, 1998) in the second language acquisition as criteria for evaluating its impacts on students’learning.Sixteen secondary school EFL classes were chosen, which were rewarded in the 8th National Junior English Teaching Competition in 2010 and were carried out under the guidance of English New Curriculum. After observation, the video-recorded data are fully transcribed using normal orthography.This research tries to answer the following three questions on the basis of the data:
1) What are the different patterns of CF and their distribution in communicative-oriented EFL classrooms?
2) Can choice of corrective feedback patterns be dependent on types of errors?
3) Are patterns of CF dependent on teachers’ background like age, region and gender?
In this paper, corrective feedback takes the form of responses to learners’ utterances containing an error. CF has the following characteristics:
1) The amount of teachers’ CF differs in different types of errors;
2)According to the patterns of CF,the ratios of different kinds of CF are totally different;
3)Corrective feedback rates of errors are not directly proportional to the frequency of errors, and teachers’ corrective feedback on  phonetic errors is the strictest, while they are comparatively tolerant of the lexical and pragmatic errors. 
4)The correlation coefficient between patterns of CF and teachers’ background, like age, region and gender, is comparatively low.
Based on the above conclusions, the paper provides some pieces of advice on the specific application of the corrective method in the English teaching and learning classroom. In using the corrective feedback concretely, teachers should firstly consider the students’ cognition degree and language level, and encourage the elementary learners to focus on the output of the language connotation, instead of their self-correction on the language structure. Secondly, teachers should choose different patterns for different students and mistakes. Additionally, teachers should believe in the students’ capability. &nb