2.2 Communication Strategies Theories
2.2. 1 Definition
The notion of communication strategies stemmed from error analysisand was first introduced in the early 1970s. Selinker (1972) coined theterm 'communication strategies' in his seminal paper on 'interlanguage'and rooted the notion of communication strategies in the tradition of erroranalysis.From that time on, different scholars give their own definitions ofcommunication strategies from their points of view. No certain definitionof communication strategies finds general acceptance. Views on whatthey comprise are rather diverse. The approaches of definingcommunication strategies generally fall into two major categories: theinteractional approach and the psycholinguistic approach (Ellis, 1994).
Chapter 3 Research design.........31
3.1 Research Questions........ 31
3.2 Research Subjects........ 32
3.3 Research Instruments........ 33
3.4 Data Collection ........36
3.5 The scheme of this instruction........ 39
3.6 The process of communication strategies Instruction........40
Chapter 4 Research results and Discussion........ 49
4.1 Research result 1: The effects of communication........50
4.2 Research result 2: The impacts of communication........51
4.3 Research result 3: The relationships exist........53
Chapter 5 Findings and implications........ 57
5.1 Major findings........ 57
5.2 Pedagogical implications of the study........ 58
5.2.1 Methodological implications........ 58
5.2.2 Practical implications ........61
5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further research........ 61
Chapter 5 Findings and implications
5.1 Major findings
The empirical study was carried out in an effort to find out whethercommunication strategies instruction has positive influence on juniorstudents' oral English. After the application of communication strategiesinstruction on junior students in Grade Seven for twelve weeks, the studyhas gained some achievements. The major findings are summarized asfollow:Firstly, the findings of this study reveal that explicit communicationstrategies instruction has brought benefits to junior students' oral English.As can be seen from the result, students in the experimental group madegreat improvement in both spoken English fluency and spoken Englishaccuracy after the instruction.Secondly, communication strategies instruction enhances students'strategy awa