

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1546
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201011082132065574 论文字数:1000 所属栏目:信用管理论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
<P class=cf60>关键词:网络计划,信息系统,网络优化</P><STRONG>[中文摘要]</STRONG>     网络计划技术是现代项目管理的一种常规方法。信息系统建设是一类新型的项目,将网络计划技术应用于信息系统建设是一种有益的尝试。<BR>    本文运用网络计划技术的原理,结合银行信息系统项目的实际情况,深入探讨了网络计划技术在银行信息系统项目中的应用,并且针对中国工商银行福建分行网络升级改造二期工程,运用网络计划技术,编制初始计划方案,然后根据缩短工期、节约成本的优化思想,运用网络计划技术进行优化,选择出最优方案。全文共分为六章。<BR>    第一章首先简要介绍论文研究的问题,研究的意义、目标及主要内容。<BR>    第二章分为两个部分。项目背景部分介绍项目的由来、项目的目标、总体结构、范围、特点和项目实施中存在的问题。计划管理方法的选择部分评述常用的计划管理方法、各自的优点、局限性,针对福建工行二期工程项目的特点,选择采用网络计划技术进行计划管理。<BR>    第三章为网络计划技术概述。内容包括网络计划技术的由来、网络计划技术在国内外的应用现状、网络计划技术的作用、分类和网络计划的编制方法。<BR>    第四章根据网络计划技术编制福建工行二期工程网络计划。<BR>    第五章根据缩短工期、节约成本的优化思想,从时间优化、时间-费用优化和资源优化三方面进行研究,对福建工行二期工程网络计划进行优化。然后从公司和用户双方的期望出发,运用多指标综合评估法,选择一个最优方案。<BR>    第六章总结论文的研究成果,提出在系统集成行业运用网络计划技术的建议和研究展望。<BR>     <B>[英文摘要]</B>:     Network planning technique is a conventional method of contemporaneity project management. Constructing and developing the information system is a new kind of project. It is a salutary attempt to use network planning technique in developing information system.<BR>    The article discusses the application of network planning technique in project of bank information system, combining with the principle of network planning technique and the current situation of bank information system in China. And in the case of reengineering and upgrading project of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) Fujian Branch (2nd Phase), network planning technique has been used to compile the original plans, optimize the schemes, and finally select an optimized solution, based on the basic optimization thinking of shortening workdays and saving cost. Here are six chapters in this thesis:<BR>    The first chapter gives brief introduction of the problems that will be researched here, the meaning, the target and main content of the research as well.<BR>    The second chapter comprises two parts. The part of project background introduces the origin, target, frame, scope, feature and problem of the project. The part of the selection of planning management methods reviews in the common used planning management methods. In the case of ICBC Fujian Branch project (2nd Phase), the network planning technique has been selected.<BR>    The third chapter is a summary of network planning technique. It includes the origin, the updated research and the application, the effect, the classification of network planning technique, and the method of developing network plan.<BR>    The fourth chapter develops the network plan of ICBC Fujian Branch project (2nd Phase) according to the network planning technique.<BR>    The fifth chapter optimizes the network plan of ICBC Fujian Branch project (2nd Phase). From the point of view of shortening workday, saving cost and resource, meeting stakeholders’ needs and expectations, we select an optimum plan via using multigoal review technique.<BR>    The sixth chapter includes the conclusion, the suggestions and research expectation to the development of network planning technique in system integration industry.<BR>